The Twenties

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'HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!' Your dad shouted, waking you up in an instant.

'What the hell dad?' You replied in a groggy voice. 'What time is it?' You grab your phone off of your bedside table, seeing that it is 5:23.

'Daaad! Why'd you have to wake me up this early?' You groan, trying to sound annoyed, but also flattered that he had gotten up this early, even though it was your birthday.

Your dad was always a fun one, but also super lazy. He would quickly give up in games of tag or play fighting when you were little, and would sleep like someone who had been deprived of it for years on end. But he was always kind, and really did try his best for you. Your mum, on the other hand, was a much different matter. I will be lucky if she even looks in my direction today. You think to yourself. Even though she was there for you when you were little, one day, she just snapped and became a completely different person. She used to be caring, generous and fun. But since the day she changed, she has always been a cold, selfish bitch who would call you every name under the sun for doing something as ridiculous as breathing too loud. You would never forget that day, the day she changed. It was your 10th birthday, and you ran into her room with excitement. You were a big girl now, into double digits, and you thought that your dear mum would share your excitement with you. Instead, she scolded you for getting up so early. 'Get off of my bed you filthy mistake!' How could you every forget those words, they had been burnt into your mind over the years.

"Earth calling Y/N?" Your dad said with a slightly worried look on his face. "You ok? You really zoned out there for a minute." He said, chuckling as though he was trying to lighten the mood.

He also knew what your mum was like and had tried to fight back, defend you. But she had threatened to kick him out and keep you away from him forever, and your dad would not take that risk. So instead, he swore to himself that as long as you lived with your mum, he would stay too. And when you left, so would he. Despite it being your 20th birthday today, he knew it would be a tough day for you, marking the 10 year anniversary of your mum's change. You never took it well- but oh well. Shit happens. That's what you always told yourself.

"Oh yeah dad? Um, thank you!" You blurt out, after snapping back to reality.

"No problem kiddo! I made you your favourite, pancakes with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce! It's ready on the table for you." Your dad beamed at you.

"Really? Thanks dad!" You replied, pulling him in for a hug.

How could i ever have gotten so lucky to have a dad this amazing?!

———— Time skip to breakfast ————

"Mmm! These are delicious dad!" You say, taking a small portion of one of the pancakes.

"Great! And, i've got you a present!" He said with excitement. He seemed more exited than you for your own birthday, but then again, that didn't seem too hard.

He pushed a small box over to you wrapped in birthday paper. You tore it open and opened up the box to see something you though you would never see. Laying perfectly in the box, like some gift from the heavens, was a VIP ticket to a Ghost ritual.

"DAD! YOU ARE THE BEST! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!" You squealed, hugging him.

"It's tomorrow!" He said with excitement. "You've been listening to them non-stop for over a year now, and you have poster of them in your room, so i figured, 20 is an important birthday. Why not get you a ticket to go see them?" He smiled happily.

"Thank you so much dad. Really, you have no idea what this means to me!" You smiled back at him.

"Also, are you sure i put enough ice cream on the pancakes? Or sugar? Do you want more chocolate sauce??" Your dad suddenly quizzed.

"Hm?" You ask, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Your not really eating much..." He replied, trailing off. "Did i make it wrong?"

"Oh no, they are amazing! I just... I don't really feel well." You said.

"Oh dear, not on your birthday! Would you like a glass of water?"

"Yes please..." You mumble, stomach swirling.

TW: Vomit

Your dad rushed back to the table with a glass of water in hand. "Here, have some now." He said.

"Umm, give me a second," You say, standing up. "I think i might.." You are cut off by the immediate feeling of needing to be sick.

Running up the stairs, you flung open the toilet lid, just in time as you are sick. You gag on the disgusting taste and wash your mouth out with water, spitting it down the drain, and flushing the toilet.

"Are you ok kiddo?" Your dad said, hurrying up the stairs. "Oh dear, were you sick?"

"Mhm." You groan back in response.

"I will go grab you some medicine!" He replied before jogging back down the stairs.

Just a he disappeared from your sight, you feel a burning sensation on your forehead, on both sides.

"Ow.." You mutter.

Must be some weird headache...

"You better disinfect that toilet, you rotten girl! I will not be having this disgusting stuff happening in my house! And your far old enough to be doing this for yourself without your dad chasing you around, doing everything for you!" Your mum says, leaning on the doorframe and glaring intensely at you.

"I was going to mum! Give me a chance, please? Just a minute to recover..." You reply, rubbing the sore areas on your forehead. Your lower back had also started to have the same burning sensation. 

"Goodness, what is wrong with you?" Your mum said, yanking your hands away from your head and shrieking loudly. "You've got... You've got a disease or something? It looks like your head is.. swelling!" She sputtered out, scrambling backwards as if every bit of distance she could get between you two would save her from this 'disease'.

"Huh?" You retorted, confused. You got up to look in the mirror and gasped. "HOLY SHIT! IT LOOKS LIKE I HAVE HORNS UNDER MY SKIN?!"You shout.

Footsteps grew louder as your dad practically threw himself up the stairs. "What on- OH. MY. GOD!" he gasped, seeing your forehead swelling.

————Time skip to that night————

You lay in bed, feeling like shit. Your lower back and for head felt like they were on fire. Your dad told you to just get some rest and hopefully you would sleep it off so you could still go to the Ghost ritual tomorrow. But there was no doubt about that. You would claw your way to one of their concerts, even if your legs had been chopped off.

You decided to root through your wardrobe for something to wear the next day. Better to be prepared or i might be late tomorrow. You picked out a black dress that fit you perfectly and accentuated all your curves. After all, girls were meant to dress up as sisters of sin. You found an old face paint kit and decided that you would pain your face like Copia's- why not.

With that, you put both of the items on your desk and fell asleep, listening to Square Hammer,      (A/N- you can't blame me, it is a legendary song) and dreaming of seeing all the members in flesh. But one particular ghoul dominated your dream, reaching to you flirtatiously from the stage, effortlessly strumming his guitar with only one hand. Sodo. You had always had a little bit of a crush on him, but you felt embarrassed to admit that you were in love with someone who you had never met before, so you denied your feelings for him.


Hey guys! That's the end of this chapter. Sorry if it's not that good or takes a while to kick in, i've never written a proper story before. Feedback on how to improve my writing would be great! Also, did you see what i did with the chapter name? Twenties, the song? And Y/N turned 20? It's such a bad pun lol -Pluri

Word count: 1,424

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