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Chapter Art Borrowed From
@faralyart on Tumblr


Hello everyone! I just got done reading Lore Olympus written by Rachel Smythe (I'm finally up to date) and I was so fascinated with the comic. I couldn't help but feel as though it could adapted into a fleshed out story with time and dedication. While I understand that the original work is popular on its own and is widely appreciated for what it is—I figured why not try to experiment while taking some creative liberties of my own; all while being able to relive the story of Persephone and Hades.

I would appreciate any feedback you may have or any ideas you'd like to see as I carry on with the rest of this story. And again, I have taken some creative liberties for the sake of the story timeline and originality. So don't judge too harshly when comparing to the original:)

Thank you all for your support.

-N. Ambrose


His smile burned into me from a few feet away.

I must have looked stupid just standing there, but I couldn't help it. Besides an awkward stance, all I could muster up was a smirk in return. And it was just enough to get him to approach me away from the bar.

"As much as I love shooting each other smiles from across the room, figured I'd come over and actually initiate a conversation,"

I scoffed and quickly looked away, his eyes far too dazzling to stare into much longer.

"I was going to make my way over to you eventually," I said as confidently as I could in the moment, "If you didn't make the first move, of course."

"Oh, I don't doubt that. But do you usually wait about a week before you approach someone?"

I quickly glanced up at an amused face, my cheeks burning. I could only hope that the red was buried underneath the rosiness of my skin. He threw his head back while chuckling, and there his big goofy grin was again. The one that drove my head to spin every time I caught it.

"It's not like I've come here every night this week for their hospitality," he said coming down from his laughter. I took a quick look around the dive bar, and he had a point. From the sticky floors to the everlasting must of the small space, I don't understand how anyone would frequent this place.

"But a beautiful girl caught my eye and I couldn't help myself. Luckily enough, she was always here when I was, and..." His hand moved up to the back of his neck, almost as if he was nervous himself. Clearing his throat, he took a step forward, and all of a sudden a waft of slight vanilla took over my nose. I tried not to make it obvious, but it was difficult considering how close we now were. Barely grazing against each other.

"I'm hoping she'll let me buy her a drink and keep her company tonight."

He was tall. I had to crane my neck up to lock my eyes onto his, but I didn't mind. It was intimidating, yet felt safe, inviting even. I sucked in a breath, while returning a kind look. Inching myself a little bit closer to his stature, I managed to whisper a response.

"I would love that," I turned to the bartender, momentarily breaking away before our bodies touched. "Tequila soda. Double."

Being this close, I could see him all the more clearly. His short, white hair swept back in a way that you could tell he came straight from work. Bright blue eyes behind dark rimmed glasses that almost seemed like diamonds in this dim lighting, big and kind in a way that seemed almost childlike. Yet, dignified and classy with his shirt and tie-- much too overdressed for a place like this. But it didn't matter. His playful demeanor made it clear that he wasn't here for business.

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