Ezra POV - 4

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"Uh- sir? Hello?" I call.

Jao can't hear me. He just has this look in his eyes like he's just seen a flying chicken. Or the look you get when you watch one of those cat videos. The look of awe and the look of "awww".

Let's get things straight. I'm not straight. I'm the gayest kid one could know. Except nobody knows. I've been closeted for 3 years now, ever since I realized I was into guys when I was 13, and it never helped when a kid named Jao came out in his freshmen year and close to nobody supported him.

And I'm serving him right now. He's pretty popular at my school and had he not been gay, would've had all the girls swooning over his beautiful brown eyes. But nobody really knows him for Jao and, to be honest, neither do I. Everyone just knows him as the outed lacrosse prodigy. As much as I wish I could get close to him, I'm scared being around him would eventually out me, and even though I know I'm going to get outed anyway, I would like to get at least a little more time before that happens.

But like I said, he's popular, and though the main reason is because he's queer, it's also because he's just a guy to look up to. He has great fashion sense, a beautiful face and a shit ton of talent. He's a lacrosse prodigy, and a straight-A student. What's not to love?

He's sitting with Jaxon, a fellow lax prodigy, who never left his side through the years. He gives me a little more hope on ever becoming friends with Jao because Jax is pretty much the most popular guy in our school. And he's straight.

He's an attractive guy with his dark skin and his great sense of style that just makes all his features sharper and better. On top of that, he's dating one of the "hottest" girls in our school, Jaya Madriguez. At least they say she's the hottest. I wouldn't know.

At one point, I get tired of standing there looking at Jao and waving like an idiot. I'm about to shout his name, but Jax beats me to it.

"Jao!" Jax calls. "The waiter's here!"

Dammit. What was I thinking? Yeah, I might know Jao, but he doesn't know me. He probably would have thought I was a creep if I had called his name, seeing how I'm technically just a stranger to him.

"Hm?" Jao finally breaks out of his trance. He shakes his head like he needs to get his thoughts back on track. "Sorry! I was a little distracted. I'll have the iced Americano, less ice, more sugar and a pump of mocha syrup. And... Jax, the regular?"

Jax nods without looking up from his phone. His eyebrows are burrowed and his eyes are focused on the screen. He looks concerned.

"Okay, he'll have the chocolate frappe with blended dark chocolate and two shots of espresso." Jao says with an apologetic look. "Oh! And can I also get 2 breakfast sandwiches please?"

Jax finally looks up. "Just one is fine, actually," He turns his attention to Jao. "Sorry Jao, I have to head out pretty soon. I've been working so much overtime lately at the book store. It's like all these popular authors decided to write a bunch of books at once and now everybody wants them."

He turns his head back to his phone, just missing the disappointed look from Jao.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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