chapter 45

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One month later

In Konoha nightime

Location: the Uzumaki compound

*Naruto was reading the scroll Akira gave him trying to figure out what he great-grandfather couldn't when the door was knocked Naruto looked at the clock*

Naruto:at this hour? Who's even still out at this hour?

Slug:want me to tell them that you are unavailable little prince?

*Naruto chuckled softly looking at the slug since becoming tsunade successor and the next head of the slugs his new summons gave him that nickname until Tsunade can no longer hold the mantle*

Naruto:the day Tsunade gives that up will be her last..

*Naruto frowned that was a dark thought something he didn't want to think about it but the thought still remained*

Naruto"Tsunade is pushing 55 how much longer until she can't be a Shinobi and retires Jiji was old and he was still fighting but he didn't have a choice in that matter Tsunade does so how much longer does she has until.."

*The door knocked again Naruto got up*

Naruto:I'll answer can you make some tea in the meantime?

Slug:of course little Prince it would be my pleasure

*Naruto gave the slug a smile as thanks and walked to the door opened it and it revealed Sakura Haruno Naruto frowned he hasn't seen Sakura since the trail, Naruto crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe*

Naruto:can I help you Haruno?

Sakura:yes.. I've...come to talk to you if.. can i come in?

Naruto:.  .  .shoes off

*Naruto walked back inside and sat down a little later Sakura joined him she sat down on the chair opposite of his tea already on the table Naruto had a small smirk at that*

Naruto"if i asked the toads for something like this they would just laugh at my face and insult me man i used to be such a doormat"

*Naruto took the tea and took a sip with Sakura just looking at her drink*

Naruto:unless you enjoy a cold drink of leave juice i suggest you take a drink

*Sakura flinched and does so burning to roof of her mouth but not showing it*

Naruto:now why have you come here at this ungodly hour

Sakura: it's...something that has been bothering since our last mission what you said about Sasuke..

Naruto;ah...i assumed we would be having this conversation at some point tell me do you intend to act like a crazy screaming banshee or will you actually hear what i have to say have an adult discussion?

Sakura: I'll... I'll listen

Naruto:i plan on killing him simple as that I'll give him 1 chance one last chance to come back peacefully but if he refuses I'll cut him down

Sakura:but you...!!

Naruto:you actually except me to keep a promise i said when i was young and naive? Tell me Sakura did you keep the promises you've made when you were young?


Naruto:that's what I thought and i know what you're thinking "but oh his our teammate oh remember what Kakashi sensei said does who abandoned the mission are scum but does who abandoned there comrades are worse then scum" well to the first one Sasuke hasn't been our comrade in years Sakura and to the second point Sasuke abandoned us not the other way around he chose to abandoned his friends to abandoned his village to abandoned any chance for a normal life to abandoned you

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