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"Bonjour or whatever."

Almara Cabrera spoke as she approached the French man who had taught her the word, and she immediately noticed how his head shot up to face her.

Esteban Ocon smiled brightly at the best friend of Carlos Sainz as she walked towards him, before she sat down opposite him.

"Auf Wiedersehen."

Esteban smirked as he teased her with the words that she had previously said to him, seeing the ghost of a smile form on her face.

"Hola." Almara released a small chuckle as the two of them were speaking in multiple different languages.

"Where's Carlos?" Esteban questioned, since he was confused as to why she was not with Carlos and was instead with him in his garage.

"Lando has stolen him, so I'm stealing your company until I can have my best friend back." Almara responded to the Ocon man.

She checked her phone for notifications from her best friend, but upon finding none, she locked her phone so that her attention was fully on the man that was sitting in front of her with his entire concentration on her.

"Well, it is my pleasure to have you here." Esteban gave the woman a small smile.

"Good, because it's tough shit if it's not." The Cabrera woman gave a short laugh as she leant back in her seat.

"So why doesn't Carlos' best friend tell me about herself?" Esteban didn't want to seem like he was prying, but he wanted to get to know her as much as he could.

"Because she doesn't have much of a life." Almara instantly responded with a small chuckle.

Almara knew what he was trying to do, and whilst part of her wanted to tell him about herself, she knew that there wasn't much to her.

She was only really known as the best friend of the Formula One driver Carlos Sainz, since most of the people would only ever refer to her as that.

"Well, where are you from?" Esteban asked, wanting to start off with something basic.

"Buenos Aires, but I spent a few years of my childhood in Spain, which is where I met Carlos." Almara informed the man, as she took a sip of her bottle of water.

"What do you your parents do?"

"No idea, man." Almara smirked as she chuckled, seeing the man furrow his eyebrows together in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"They abandoned me when I was thirteen, so they could be living their best life or be vibing in the ground, I have no idea." Almara laughed loudly, since she didn't really care.

Esteban's face immediately drained of color as he listened to her words, as he felt guilt starting to form inside of his stomach.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Almara lifted one of her hands to wave in the air nonchantly as she shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, it's not a big deal, I don't actually care."

"What do you do?"

"I take photos of shit." The Argentine woman unlocked her phone as she scrolled through her camera roll to find some photos that she had taken.

"Do you model as well?" Esteban questioned as he noticed that in some of her photos that she seemed to be modelling in them.


"I think that you mean, yes I do and I'm good at it."

Carlos Sainz arrived in to the Renault garage as he started to walk over towards his best friend, since he had an idea that she would have come here since she couldn't be with him since he had been with Lando.

"I think that I mean, exactly what I said, actually." Almara smiled as she leant her head back against the back of the chair that she was sat in, to stare up at her best friend as he arrived.

"Has she been talking about her amazing and fabulous best friend?" Carlos winked down at his best friend as he stood behind her, with his hands resting on her shoulders.

"No, she was talking about how funny I am." Esteban teased as he heard her chuckle lightly, hiding her smile behind her hand.

"Was she now?" Carlos raised his eyebrows in surprise as a smile began to form on his lips before it morphed in to a smirk.

"Nah, I was actually talking about how Mclaren won't buy me a car, despite the fact that I am gifting them with my presence, which I think is just down right disrespectful." Almara mocked the two of them.

"Zak doesn't like you."

"And? I don't like him."

"He won't buy you a car." Carlos shook his head as he laughed at the audacity of his best friend.

"Then he won't get my loyalty. I'll just wear merchandise belonging to any team but his, until he does." The brunette woman smirked as she picked up her phone to type out a text message.

Her phone sounded almost immediately as she recieved a response to her message and slowly began to rise to her feet.

"My merchandise is already, ready to collect. It seems that other teams are giving me the appreciation that I deserve." Almara winked at the two of them as she walked backwards, with her arms outstretched.

"But you don't know anyone but us!"

"I make friends quickly, what can I say?"


"Hello people, I see that you have my stuff."

Almara Cabrera spoke with confidence in her tone as she walked in to a garage that she had not been in before.

"Here is what you asked for."

Max Verstappen smiled as he handed the woman a large stack of clothes, of which were belonging to not only the Red Bull team that he was driving for, but also the AlphaTauri clothing brand which they had named their sister team after.

He had been surprised when he had recieved a message on social media from a photographer that he had been following on social media, but upon reading their message, agreed instantly to their request for free merch to annoy Mclaren.

Or specifically, Zak Brown.

"Thank you, it turns out that most teams actually give me stuff, unlike Mclaren." Almara smirked as she took a hold of the clothes that she was given.

"Did you ask for something like a car?" Max questioned as he raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"Of course I did! Carlos totalled my other one, so I needed it and they had the audacity to say no." Almara laughed, before she noticed the look that she was recieving from the Dutch man.


Max shook his head from side to side as he released a loud laugh, with wrinkles forming around his eyes as he did.

"If you want a car, you need to get your best friend to Ferrari."

Almara dramatically gasped as she pointed aggressively at him, small giggles turning in to loud laughs.

"That's exactly what I said!"



What do you think of Almara?

"Who's relationship do you like the most with her?"

Anyway, please check out all of my other books because I have uploaded a lot of new ones that I would say deserve to be checked out.

I hope you all enjoy this and I'll see you all soon for the next one

I'm proud of you all, my loves

Love you all


THE SEA BETWEEN US// ESTEBAN OCONWhere stories live. Discover now