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"The best person to ever exist has arrived."

Almara Cabrera spoke in her calm voice as she walked in to the Mclaren garage, this time without wearing any merchandise belonging to any of the formula one teams, her boots sounding loudly on the ground.

Carlos Sainz released a short laugh at the arrival of his best friend, since he had half expected her to walk in with rival merchandise once again.

Her leather jacket was covering her arms but open since she had decided to not zip the jacket up, which then showed her shirt that had ACDC on the fabric. Her jeans were tight against her skin, of which was nice and tanned since she always tanned easily.

The Sainz man stood to his feet to greet her, wrapping his arms around her for a brief hug, finding her arms wrapping around his waist for a moment.

"What happened to the merch?" He found himself questioning, since he knew that his best friend was always up to something, and for her to not be wearing it, made him a little bit suspicious as to what she could have been planning.

"It's called lowering the suspicion."

The Cabrera woman let a smirk rise up on to her face, signalling to him that whilst she may not have been wearing the merchandise, it didn't mean that she had given up and was most definitely planning something.

"Oh no." Carlos laughed, his laughter erupting through the garage loudly, making an echo sound through the building.

Almara furrowed her eyebrows together as another figure ran towards her, barrelling in to her and making her grimace uncomfortably, her hands raised in to the air as she debated on what to do.

"Uh... hi?"

Lando Norris immediately released his hold on the woman at the sound of her voice, seeing the look of disgust on her face which made him step away from her tall frame.

"Sorry... I just kinda wanted to get involved." The Norris boy spoke awkwardly, one of his hands lifting to rub at the back of his neck.

"Next time you 'want to get involved', don't hug me. Just say hi." Almara's voice seemed cold and unfriendly, making her best friend frown, subtly grabbing her hand to intertwine their fingers together.

"Okay, sorry." Lando smiled at her, seeing that she was trying to make her face look less angry. She took a deep breath of oxygen in to her lungs before slowly breathing out.

Her eyes took in the look of hurt on the face of her best friends team mate, and lifted one of her hands to pat the boys head in an attempt to make him feel better.

Lando gave her a appreciative smile in return of her gesture.

Somebody cleared their throat from close by, making the three of them turn their bodies to see the first driver of Red Bull, Max Verstappen standing just outside of the Mclaren garage.

Almara walked towards him with a large smile on her face, giving him a small fist bump when she stood directly in front of him which made a large grin cover his face.

"We're all ready for your surprise to Zak." Max laughed when he noticed how her eyes lit up, mouth dropping open as she gasped.

"Great, I'll go and grab Esteban." Almara grinned, quickly turning to wave goodbye to her best friend who could only frown as she disappeared.

What was she planning?



Esteban Ocon grinned as he noticed the Cabrera woman running in to the Renault garage and towards him with a large smile on her face.

"Auf Wiedersehen."

Almara laughed as she ran in to him, using both of her hands to grab a hold of his arms and began to lightly pull him out of the garage.

Esteban immediately followed after her, smiling towards his team mate who had begun to laugh loudly as he noticed the French man didn't even ask questions as to why he was being dragged away.

"I presume we're annoying Zak, no?" He spoke with his signature grin on his gentle face, walking alongside her until they were stood outside of the Red Bull garage.

"She got us all involved." Max laughed when he noticed the Ocon man, seeing the woman's face light up.

The Verstappen man began to hand out merchandise to all of the people that Almara had managed to get involved in her plan to annoy the CEO of Mclaren, Zak Brown.

His team mate, his team boss, his mechanics, they were all prepared to help the woman who they barely knew, to annoy Zak.

Esteban had also managed to persuade two other drivers to help her, since they were former Mclaren drivers and they both had found that Esteban was too nice to turn down.

Those two drivers were Kevin Magnussen and Sergio Perez.

The large group of people made their way towards Mclaren, placing garden chairs just outside of the garage so they could sit there and make the man in charge worked up.

Who knew, maybe he would have a breakdown?

"So what do we do now?" Christian Horner spoke with a small chuckle, his eyes looking at the mysterious woman who seemed to be up to a lot of mischief.

"Just do your thing, dude." Almara spoke calmly to the boss of Red Bull, seeing him raising his eyebrows in surprise at her. "Do your meetings here, your spice girls karaoke, your makeup. Whatever."

Esteban was forced to cover his mouth with his hand as he found himself trying not to laugh at how his friend was acting to the Horner man, not bothered at all that he was a busy man or who he was.

It was what he liked about her.

She didn't give a shit about who anybody was. It didn't matter to her, how rich somebody was, or how many championships they had won, how busy they were.

His eyes met those of the Cabrera woman, seeing a smirk cover her painted red lips whilst she wiggled her eyebrows up and down, making him laugh with ease.

Despite her cold and cool shell, the Ocon man had found out from spending time with her that she was actually a really friendly person. He knew that she had dozens of walls built up around her from men in the past, but he also had been able to see glimpses of the girl she really was when she was with Carlos.

She was always sarcastic, and quite often very moody and grumpy but if she was having a good day, Esteban was actually able to make her warm up.

He would almost go as far as saying that he thought that she was warming up to him.

God, he hoped that she was.



This is a little bit shit and a short one but I had to get an update up

Estie Besties on the podium baby!!! Literally so proud of him for getting p3 in Monaco

Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy this short chapter and I'll see you all soon for the next one,

I'm so proud of all of you, my loves

Love you all,


THE SEA BETWEEN US// ESTEBAN OCONWhere stories live. Discover now