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[Image does not belong to me]

*Y/N's P.O.V*

At first, you were annoyed when your alarm went off, but then you remembered where you were, and excitement immediately filled you up.  You jumped out of bed and made your way to your bathroom, showering, getting dressed, doing your hair, and brushing your teeth. Before you started doing your hair though, you texted the group chat you, Prometheus and Garrett made yesterday. As a joke, you all made a group chat on your personal phones and not the tablets because 'what if all of our messages are being monitored?' You all had a good laugh, but you secretly thought that you all had an underlying concern that that might be true.

Good morning!:) anyone awake and ready yet?

Yes, I should be there in 15 minutes.

Great! I just need to finish up my hair and brush my teeth and I'm ready to go!
Did you eat breakfast yet Garrett?

No, not yet. I figured I would eat with you two.


Yall😭I slept through my alarm😭I just woke up

Oh no😟


Called it, you owe me $5 Y/N

Ik ik🙄

Wait, is that why you said oh no?

See you guys at breakfast!😀

Why Y/N😭why

*Time Skip*

You had just stepped out of the elevator and onto your floor, large smile on your face. But that smile soon dropped as you didn't see any of your Naga's. You hummed and decided to make your way around the giant enclosure, hoping to see your Sunbeam Naga or your other two Naga's. The only sound in the room was the running water from the enclosure and the clacking of your heels.

As you were about to get to the end of the enclosure, an angry shout made you jump, "Will you stop that?!" You turn around to see your Sunbeam Naga rise from behind a tree, an irritated look on his face. "Huh?" Was all you could say, why was he so mad? "That clicking noise you're making with your hooves! Stop it!" He exclaimed, pointing to your shoes. "My heels? Sorry, I'll take them off." And that's what you did, but you didn't expect the Naga's eyes to widen.

"Wait, you can take them off?" He sounded genuinely surprised, no more anger in his face or tone. "Yeah," You shrugged, "They're not actually a part of me."
"They aren't?"
You laughed, "No, they're just clothes."
"Yes, it's what humans wear to keep warm and to protect our feet."
"Take off your clothes, I want to see what a true human looks like."

That sentence felt like a sucker-punch to the face. You blushed and stuttered a bit before finally giving him an answer, "No!"
"Why not?"
"Because! It's not appropriate!"
"Why isn't it appropriate?"
"W-Well in the human culture its inappropriate to be completely naked unless you're bathing or with your partner."
"Yeah, your significant other. Your mate."

All he did was hum at your words with a thinking look before laying back down. "Wait!" You called out, dropping your heels and running to the part of the enclosure he was in. "Tell me more about yourself! Please!" "In the wake." You heard him mumble. "What does that mean?" You desperately called out, hoping to keep the conversation going. "We sleep during the hours of the sun and wake during the hours of the moon." He mumbled once again.

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