2:1 I'll Never Give Up Hope

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I'll Never Give Up Hope
Part 2

I'll Never Give Up HopePart 2————

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Hope stared up at the older man. "Yeah. See you." Was all she said as she made her way to the school.

Once she returned she made her way to the dock to watch the fireworks. As she did she said bubbles coming from the dip of the dock, fire then hands gripping onto the dock and coming out of the water.

It was Landon.


Landon stared up at Hope as Hope stared down at him. "I changed my mind about the fireworks." Was all she said as Landon stared at the fireworks.

He then turned to look at Hope. "It's not a big deal." He responded.

Hope scoffed. "Who do you think you're talking to? Lizzie Saltzman is the queen of self-harm. I know it when I see it." Hope stopped speaking.

Landon stared at Hope, just sitting on the wood deck. "I'm not harming myself because I can't be harmed. That's the point." Landon replied.

Hope pointed at Landon. "Where, in any of your phoenix research, does it say that the number of times that you can resurrect is infinite?" Hope argued.

Landon got up and stared at Hope. "Where does it say it isn't?" Landon questioned, walking past Hope.

Hope watched Landon. "Hurting yourself doesn't make anything better. It never does."  Hope replied.

Landon turned around. "You're right. Maybe I should focus on other people's problems instead of my own but it seems you haven't been doing much of that lately." Landon fired back to Hope.

He didn't realise but he hit a nerve since he didn't realise why you were so focused on your problems. "That's not what I'm saying." Hope replied, looking down.

"That's a lie." Landon accused.

Hope looked back up. "How would you know?" Hope argued.

"Because when you lie as often as I used to, you develop a gut feeling." Landon responded. "I just know." He looked down.

Hope lowered her arms from her chest and put them on her side. "Okay." Hope lowered her voice, becoming calmer. "What are we supposed to do?"

Landon stopped what he was doing. "You tell me. Because, to be honest with you, I'm kind of at a loss." A firework blasted in the distance.

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