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{shhh xxx}

It's not about me -
it's about unity & peace x


The Christchurch mosque shootings left my stomach in knots. I don't like opening wounds, but this one never really closed & everything happens for a reason and this is it:

The most destructive lie in human history.


...and so the poet bled ... red ...


The most destructive LIE is that the stars we all look up to are actually entrapped in dark rooms. The sun was blocked through cloud seeing. The reason why everyone looks so dead is because they relied on their device and not their mind inside their head. Your phone "i" phone takes energy from you. Your phone cools down in your hand when you're out in the sun but put it down and it'll turn off to preserve energy. Hence, it's weakened the ignorant. To gain strength again, sweat it out near the fire and let that shit they injected us with drop off your body like rain pouring. Nobody wants to believe the truth. They beLIEve the lie in it. It's so sad really. All those pure hearts. The true motive was to diminish all faith off the face of the earth. Try to speak up & they'll try to humiliate you with their deVICEs and lock you up. Really, we're all locked up. It's AI but there's more to it than just that. That's just the beginning. Also, Kim k is one k away from KKK and that's a fact. She calls the shots like an AK47 but I'm nothing like anyone you've ever met. I see through it and I resist the tempt. She don't like it. So, they're planning on making up some BS and, like they always try to do, humiliate you. They try to break you so you cave. But, nah, humiliation is merely something in someone else's brain trying to project. Open your third eye. The truth isn't far from all the lies... they're just buried beneath it. All the people you see on a screen are also living in reality with us. They're not very far either. They're just locked away like birds in a cage. But, someday we'll all rise. Power in numbers & power to the people. The only thing holding us down is fate now. The fall... so steep and deep... though, worth the price for unity. That's what they don't want you to know. They don't want peace. They never have. When I say they I don't mean the celebrities.. they're all locked up. I mean the people pulling the puppet strings.

[THEy lie and spy and try to divide >
Either I take my life or they take my soul
either I bite my tongue or they lick my lips
Either way, I'm fed up & done with this
So, here it is]

{ The truth doesn't need a defense but they're not around the corner, they're lurking around the fence. Lights bright enough to blind the third eye - everyone needs. Is it too late? Praying everyone sees. Never too late. Never too early. If nobody wants to take a stand - I'll lead. For the truth, I'll bleed, to expose it all, I'll be the sacrifice - sacrificing me either way. May as well go willingly. They're killing me... slowly... }

{ Burning wood
Cold always
No peace in so many days
Nobody gets me anyway
So hard to get away
I try to get away
I can't find a way
But where there's a will
There's always a
Way }

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