Chapter I

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     The birth of a child is news of great joy, especially when this child is a princess, the now youngest of the royal family. Unless, you're me.
        My name is Selena, my mother is a Valkyrie and my father is Loki, current King of Asgard. I have an older brother and an older sister, Caldur and Asta. Time works differently in Asgard if I'm not wrong. So, they would be like 18 and I'm 16 in Midgard.
       Now, my issue with life in general is the fact it always finds a way to screw me over! How you ask? My mother like I mentioned earlier is a Valkyrie, so it would make sense that like her and my sister I would have a pair of big, feathered, heavy wings. But that wasn't the case, cause YOLO!
         I was born without wings and therefore not qualified to be a Valkyrie, that kinda put a rift between me and my mom. She was also a bit too busy training Asta to pay attention to what the heck I was doing.
        My father on the other hand, gave me a light in the darkness; magic. I had inherited his ability and willingness to work magic.
      But enough of me! Right now, in this moment Asta is the focus. She's reciting her vows to that princess, always knew she was gay!
          The celebrations begin and I quickly go to my sister before everyone starts suffocating her.

"Asta! Asta!"

    Asta turns around and hugs me tightly wrapping her wings around me, her double hugs have always been the best.

"Selena, how have you been?"

"Good. Can only imagine how YOUR year was."

    Asta looked at me, she definitely knew I had dreamwalked to check on her here and then.

"I have something for you." I say trying to break the awkwardness. I hand her a blue box with a silver ribbon.

"You and your little gifts."

"Only open it at midnight!"

"I remember the rules, no need to remind me."

  We both laughed and I hugged her one more time.

"Mom must be looking for you, why don't you go find her?" I say.

   Asta smiled and left with Zala as they went to find my mother. I myself was about to leave since I'm not exactly know for taking part in parties, until I bumped into someone. I look up and notice I bumped into Dad, he's going to find a way to keep me here, I just know it.

"And where were you going little moonlight?"

"To my room, I don't really do well in parties."

"You promised you'd try."

"I know, I know. Can you let it slide...just one more time?"

"No. Come on, I'll keep you company."

        We walked around as he proudly introduced me to the guests, or at least HE was proud to inform the guests about my role as sorceress. Like, imagine a father proudly saying how his daughter is so good at magic that she can easily possess any one she wishes whenever she wishes, without context. Although people seemed a bit uncomfortable, things were going smoothly until the one question popped out.

"What happened to her wings though?"

    Father himself was slightly shocked by question.

"She was born wingless." Father politely replied.

"So she isn't a Valkyrie?"


"Oh, how...disappointing."

    Father wasn't very happy by that comment and looked the person with threatening glares.

"Father, it's nearly midnight, may we go see the moon drops bloom?" I say trying to get out of that awkward situation.

"I'll be there in a minute, darling."

"Please, we always go together."

      It didn't take long for him to understand what I meant and we went to the garden. No one was there thankfully. We sat on the grass in the middle of the moon drop bushes. I curled up next to Father as I let my defenses go down and cried.
         This happened in every social event I participated in, someone would ask and my parents would explain. Then their response would be "what a pit" or "how sad" maybe even "such bad luck, am I right?". I didn't care about wings, I didn't want to be a Valkyrie, never wished for it. I just wanted people to stop associating my lack of wings to disappoint and frustration.

"Why are they like this?" I ask. "There is always someone who has the guts to ask, but most of them are thinking it, I know they are!"

"They don't understand, Selena. They never will."

     Father wiped my tears away.

"May I tell you something I have told anyone but your grandmother?"

   I nodded.

"I was so happy when I received the news you were born wingless."


"Umhum, I always felt like I missed out on something while raising your sister, there was also this fear because of the trials. I thought I would have to live all that twice! Then I held you and noticed you had no wings." He says, "My point is, what some see as a misfortune, was a blessing and a feeling of peace to others, especially me. What makes you different is what makes you special, Moonlight."

   I leaned on him as we watched the flowers bloom and the pollen make beautiful silver patterns on the air. I silently reflected on Father's words, perhaps he was right...

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