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"Yes doctor the medicines which you asked for will reach till tomorrow" says Prachi on the phone call.

"Okay Miss Arora, let's hope that these medicines can help to improve your parents' condition" replies the doctor at the other end of the call.

"Hope so that Maa Papa get well soon" whispers Prachi while thinking about her moments with Abhi and Pragya.

"Miss Arora are you there?" Asked the doctor.

"Yes doctor, I am here only. I will come to meet you tomorrow when the medicines will be delivered" replies Prachi while comming back to reality.

"Okay Miss Arora" saying this, the doctor hung up the call.

Prachi then starts moving towards Shahana, who is sitting on the couch with her laptop.

"Now, whom are you stalking at this time of the day" asks Prachi playfully, with a teasing smile on her face, which doesn't reach her eyes. Shahana knows that Prachi is acting to show that she is not affected by the things happening to her, but deep down she is way to much hurt which she is bottling up inside her. 

"You know that you don't have to act in front of me. I have seen you from childhood. For me you are an open book, you can't lie to me and definitely can't act that you are alright when you are not " says Shahana with sadness in her voice

"I am fine, you are just overthinking" says Prachi, while avoiding looking in her eyes as deep down she knows that what Shahana is saying is truth, but she is not going to confess in front of her.

Shahana signs, knowing that she is not going to share anything and replies "I am not stalking anyone. I am just searching for a job. There are other things in the world as well than just stalking people"  replies Shahana by showing a fake glare while speaking the last part.

"You are the one saying this, who has stalked god knows how many people. In college I started thinking of you as my personal google informer who can give me any information about any person around me." says Prachi while chuckling by seeing her offended glare.

"Prachi youuuuu..." Shahana's rant was cut by Prachi's phone ringing. Prachi frowns at seeing the caller id but then  pick it up.


"Hello my dear niece, how are you?" comes an extra sweet voice from the other end of the call.

"Why did you call me?" asks Prachi ignoring Alia's question.

"Oh come'on Prachi no hello no heys can't I just call my niece to just ask about her well-being?"asks Alia with a fake cheerfulness in her voice.

"No" replies Prachi in a monotonous voice which causes Alia's act to drop and a frown is formed on her face.

"Okay! Let's come to the point. I have to show you something."

"Don't you think a voice call is not the best idea to 'show me' something" replies Prachi sarcastically.

"Don't try to act smart and just connect my video call with your laptop, who knows you might not be able to hold your mobile after seeing this so..." says Alia getting agitated with her behaviour.

"Okay, just show it fast" she cut her off and started walking towards her laptop, getting frustrated by only listening to Alia's voice. Shahana also went beside her to see what that putta had to show her. 

When the call got connected they saw a mandap on screen, but what shocked them was the groom and the bride doing their pheras. Seeing this, Prachi stumbles and balances herself with the support of the chair, while Shahana doesn't know how to react to this. There Ranbir and Rhea are in their wedding attire, doing their pheras around the holy fire.

After sometime, Shahana comes back to her senses and says,"Prachi do something to save your marriage, we have to stop them from getting married" while shaking her shoulders.

"We can only save something when something is left to be saved, and here nothing is left to save" replies a teary-eyed Prachi while looking at the screen where Ranbir is filling Rhea's hairline, causing the tears to start flowing down her face.

"Now you both are husband and wife, go and take the blessings of your elders" says the Priest.

"I hope you are happy to see your little twin sister getting married to your ex-husband...ops I mean to the love of her life. See how happy they all are today,, poor you can't even experience how it feels to start the new phase of your life with your family" says Alia, while turning the camera towards herself, showing a fake pitiful look towards Prachi which soon converts into a devil's smirk at seeing her state.

Prachi slowly wipes her tears with her hands and move towards her room, while Shahana cuts the call but not before giving a disgusting look to Alia.


Hey bubbles, How are you all? Here is the first part of the story. Hope you like it.

Do comment and let me know about your opinions on this. English is not my first language so if you find any errors feel free to point them out, it will even help me to improve.

Thanks for giving this book a try.


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