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"Rest is good just add some more flowers near the mandap," Prachi ordered the man while looking around.

"Prachi everything is ready. Right?" Mishti asked coming towards her,

Prachi looked at her wide-eyed and said"No"

"No? What is left tell me I will also help." Mishti offered Prachi

"Bhaakk, what are you doing over here? You were supposed to be in your room. Go shuh, Hurry up." Prachi said while pushing Mishti lightly.

"Haw what do you mean by hurr, I am the bride, not a cow give me some respect," Mishti said in an offended tone.

"Why will you get respect, if anyone jiju is the one who should be respected, he is supposed to spend his whole life with you. Poor jiju." Prachi said acting to feel sympathy towards Abir.

"Haw chudail kahi ki." Saying this Mishti started chasing Prachi who is already running in opposite direction to save herself.

"Aree stop what's going on?" Riddhima stops both of them holding their upper arms with each hand.

"Aree see na di she is teasing me," Mishti whined looking at Riddhima with a pout,

"Bhabhi she is trying to take my rights," Prachi complained to Riddhima,

Before Riddhima could say something, Mishti asked, "Which right are you talking about?"

"Aree it's your wedding so it's our right to tease you, and you are stopping me from doing that too," Prachi asked keeping her hand on her chest showing how hurt she is,

"Atleast you all will stop troubling me from tomorrow," Mishti said signing in relief,

"No, no not us only the others can stop not me," Prachi said pointing toward herself,

"But you said it's my wedding so that's why everyone is enjoying teasing me, so today the wedding will finish," Mishti said while glaring at her,

"Aree your wedding gave me extra rights to tease you but I am your best friend I will tease you till your children get married," Prachi said in a teasing tone,

Listening to this Mishti's eyes widened while Riddhima started laughing at them.

"What's going on over here?" Abir asked entering with Arav, Sid, and Vihaan,

"Your lovely sil is irritating me," Mishti said while gritting her teeth,

"Jiju, do you think I can irritate someone?" Prachi asked with the most innocent face, seeing which Mishti's jaw drops,

"Not at all Prachi. Mishti yaar why are you always behind my sil?" Abir asked supporting Prachi,

"Yaar kya nautanki jija- sali hai bhakk mujhe inse baat nahi karni." Mishti huffed and turn her face in another direction while crossing her arms on her chest.

"Aww is my Mishti angry?" Abir cooed Mishti while the rest were enjoying their drama,

"C'mon mish-mish you can't be angry with your bestest best friend. Can you?" Prachi asked while hugging her from behind and keeping her chin on her shoulder with a sad pout on her face.

Mishti looked at her face, then signed deeply, "Okay I am not angry. Let's just continue with the preparations,"

Prachi released her from the hug and asked "Okay now tell me where is the parlor lady and why are you here?"

"She got stuck in traffic but she said she will reach in some time," Mishti explained,

Before Prachi could say anything a loud voice interrupted her,

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