Chapter 2

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True had never seen anything like what she was seeing that very night. It all looked so cool to her, like one of her favorite sci-fi movies mixed with a spy thriller that Bartleby watched. And it was drenched in lots of deep blues and neon oranges, enough to at least intrigue her mind in some way. The two walked the hall suspended in mid-air until they reached a desk, and sitting in it was a woman True had never recognized before. She was wearing a long red dress that reached her feet and neon yellow sneakers, certainly an odd combination, but the two didn't seem to mind. On the desk, there was only a name plate reading "Ms. Majors"

"Ah," Ms. Majors introduced, "you must be the True that the Rainbow King told me about. I am Ms. Samantha Majors, but it's Ms. Majors to you, and this place you are in right now is the secret headquarters of the Rainbow Kingdom Secret Intelligence Service." True gasped, then asked her, "You mean this is the RKMI-6? Does that mean I'm going to be a spy?!" "In a sense, True." R.B.K. said, "Ms. Majors, you mind explaining the situation?"

"Certainly." Ms. Majors answered, "48 hours ago, one of my agents in the fields of Indigoville saw a very mystifying discovery. He reported seeing a woman with a cybernetic arm arrive from supposedly beyond our time. We have no records of this woman and up until 16 hours ago, her intentions. Then, we found surveillance footage of her in a small diner in between Red Town and Purpleopolis, rambling about some kind of plan, that of which involves these two children. This is Max and his twin sister Grace. Both of them are currently being held in this juvenile correctional facility after running away from the orphanage they were residing in. They explained something to the officer interrogating them about being treated unfairly and being quote 'trapped in their old living space' as it were."

"What does that information have to do with this mysterious lady?" True asked before taking a sip from a glass of water provided. "Because we have every reason to believe that this lady plans to kill these two kids for an unknown reason." Ms. Majors explained. True then spit out her drink and gave the only appropriate reaction one could give to this kind of information, "WHAT THE FUCK?! That is dark! You sure this isn't an invasion from the DC universe?" "We're sure!" R.B.K. said in response. "That was a joke!" True elaborated, "but in all seriousness, why would anyone want to kill these kids. All they did was run away, and if you ask me, got unfairly punished from it." "That's exactly what we want you to find out." Ms. Majors said, "True, your mission is to infiltrate this facility, figure out what the deal with these kids is, and stop this space-time intruder before she ensures the future that she returns to is worse than the one she came from." "Is she from the McAvoy or Stewart timeline?" True joked, "God, time-travel is so damn confusing." "I don't get it." R.B.K. said. "It's an X-Men reference." True said, "I've been getting into those movies lately. But onto the main point, what's in it for me, other than the fact that I'm gonna be a frickin' spy!"

"We will let you keep the suit we tailor you, as well as any gadgets you use in the mission, and give you the freedom to tell one, and only one, person about this mission." Ms. Majors told True, "This mission will also fulfill your desire to see the kingdom beyond Rainbow City's borders, however, it's imperative that you maintain an aura of anonymity for this mission. We have discussed said mission with your parents and, despite my better judgement, we have all agreed that you were the best possible fit for this assignment." "So what do you say, True?" R.B.K. proposed, "You want to become a secret agent and fulfill your ambitions to see the rest of the Rainbow Kingdom?"

"Did Ryan Reynolds manage to get Hugh Jackman to play Wolverine again?" True remarked, "YES!!! Holy crap! I'm gonna be a spy!" "That's great, True!" Ms. Majors responded, "You can get the gadgets required for your mission in the armory. Just ask for a man called Q." "OK," True said, "Thanks for the opportunity! Now, if you excuse me. There's something I think every one of B's movies begins with." Ms. Majors then put her index finger and thumb on the sides of her nose and said, "Christ! I hope we're making the right decision."

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