Chapter 4

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The cold, steel lifelessness of the facility seemed to contradict the beauty of the mountains, seemingly the plan to crush the spirits of the many mischievous children located inside. True was very lucky that Scamander struck that deal with her, otherwise she would've had to be sentenced here, which sounded like a fate she wouldn't want to have. The children seemed bitter, sadistic, or psychopathic in nature, something True seemed rather irked by. "Oh, don't worry about them." Scamander said after realizing the girl's panicked state, "The warden who had the job before me came up with these special shock collars. If any one of these troublemakers steps out of line or even thinks of escaping, the collars will stop whatever will increase their time here with an electric pulse."

"I'M GONNA CUT YOU FOR LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, PERVERT!" A female inmate yelled at a creepily acting inmate, planning to use a knife she had smuggled in to do her deed until she got shocked by her own collar, sending her to the floor for a short while. Scamander and True noticed this happening and the former headed off to confiscate the recently dropped weapon. "Better luck next time, Sharron!" He said as he claimed the weapon. "I hate this place!" Sharron mumbled. "Well then," Scamander commented, "maybe you shouldn't have tried to kill that nice family." "Fuck you!" Sharron yelled to the warden as the two continued on their way.

"These two kids aren't the first case we've had of an unjust arrest and placement." Scamander explained, "For these kids, and any other kid who feels remorseful for their actions, collars aren't necessary. All we really ask is that they don't cause trouble, and for the most part, they don't! Honestly, we try to get every side of the story and punish whoever's responsible so these kids can continue to serve out their sentence." "And Max and Grace?" True asked. "The two are scared to even leave their cell." Scamander said, "Can't really blame them, they didn't even want to come here anyways. Anyway, you can take as much time as you want to grill these two. Once you're done, pound on the door twice. I'll be here to let you out."

"That doesn't sound foreshadowy at all." True whispered to the narrator/reader.

Relax, I don't think the author plans to "Black Tom" Scamander, he has that planned for someone else.

"Doesn't help!" True whispered to the narrator/reader.

She then pulled out her pen and a notepad as Scamander opened the door. Inside were Max and Grace, who both look as if they weren't older than 7. Grace seemed to cover her brother, designating her as the older of the two twins. Max, on the other hand, was a little hesitant to show himself to this stranger, a sign that the two were obviously hurt by the experiences their life had brought them. They both had aspects similar to True, which she picked up on, blue hair, had rainbow-themed accessories, and both had roundish eyes. Grace spoke first, defensive in her nature, "Who are you? And why are you with the warden? Are you here to hurt us? Separate us? Make our lives even more painful?" "No, actually." True introduced as Scamander shut the door, "Also, wow, that is dark! My name is True. I come on behalf of the Rainbow Kingdom Secret Intelligence Service, and I would like to ask you a few questions, if that's OK with you, Grace."

Max butted in, saying, "Grace, wait! What if she's a bad lady? We can't trust her!" Grace wanted to agree, but she saw something in True, who clicked her pen and sat at the cell's table, beginning the transmission, that she had never seen before, the spark of someone who cared, as in, legitimately cared for them. "Max, I don't know why, but I think maybe this lady can help." Grace told her brother. "You sure?" Max asked. "I don't see why not!" Grace reasoned, "I just want to find a way out of here that keeps us together" "Keeps us together?" True repeated, "What do you mean?"

"Well, True," Grace started, "I'm sure you love a good story, but ours isn't exactly one with a happy ending. When the two of us were born, we saw two kind eyes. That of our older sister. We never got to know her." "Why?" True asked. "Shortly after we were born," Grace explained "our parents divorced. Not out of hatred, in fact, they wanted to remain very good friends. But then, the accident happened." "What was the accident?" True asked. "Dad noticed Max crying," Grace continued, "and got a little too distracted. We went off the bridge and crashed near that stupid orphanage. We lived, thank God, but the damage was done. Having no other options, they took us in." "I'm sorry about your father." True consoled, "Truth be told, and I never told anybody this, but I lost my birth father too, and so did a very good new friend of mine. I never knew my birth father too well, so I treat my step-dad as if he was my birth father. I also had twin siblings, a girl and a boy, they died along with my birth father."

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