Feeling Overjoyed

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Isabella POV.

After dad announce about us cooking tonights dinner I am beyond pissed at Rafaella. The worse part is he left us with no choice but gave us the menu of his own.
Roasted garlic and tomato soup, beef stew, green salad and egg pudding in dessert. What is this some five star restaurant.
"I feel like i should make your stew right now." I said to Rafaella. She was peeling garlic.
"Hurry up you need to make a paste of that too." I started going through youtube for some easy recipes but all of them were way too long than I saw the one and in caption it says easy homemade beef stew recipe.
"What but why?" She said having no idea that how garlic paste was made.
"This whole situation we are in is because of you." I said pointing a knife towards her.
"No its because of that moron who just want to increase some points in his MarkSheet by being a nice student." She said.
"Than who said you to go to professor Stewart office and act Oh so over smartly." I said.
I started slicing the onions and added in the pot with beef pieces. Sauteing till meat turn brown.
"I was out of my mind i guess. I shouldn't have cared about whatever professor Stewart was thinking." Well now she realize it.
"Too late Rafaella. Now hurry up. Cut the other vegetables."  Adding carrot and celery in pot along with water and beef broth and cover the pot.  After 60 minutes it will be done. Okay one thing done.
"You have to also blend the tomatoes." I said after roasting them on stove. "I dont know how to blend them." Rafaella whine like a child.
"Dont be dumb Rafaella you just have to put it in blender." So far no mishap happened. Although we never really cook but online videos do help.

"Lets just order the pudding from Burn the Buns restaurant." I suggested.
"No way. No way we ordering from our enemies." I knew it she won't let me.
The door bell ring and Rafaella went to see whose at the door. Meanwhile i check for pudding recipe.

My friend called and I was talking to her. She wanted to ask me few things related with our assignment and wanted to come over but than I told her about today's situation and explain her queries on phone. 
After a while I heard Rafaella screaming from the kitchen. I hope she didnt burn herself. As soon as I enter the kichen I smell something burning. No something has already burned.
Rafaella's eyes and mouth open in shock looking at pot on stove.
"Aaahggh its all burned? I was just talking to my friend and i forgot." I said.
"Who said to leave it on high flame. Now we are screwed." She  said she was pacing back and forth in kitchen.
"Now wait till everyone come for dinner and eat us alive." She said.
"Okay dont worry I'll think of something. " I said to calm her down. "Now what you have Aladdin's lamp that it will be alright? The worse is yet to come when Adwin will be laughing at my embarrassment. " She said and left the kitchen.

The only solution I have is to call Edward and order from his restaurant. I will definitely give him the money so it doesn't mean I am taking advantage. I told myself.
Dialing his number in my phone. He picked up immediately.
"Hey." He said. Sounding very excited. Only if he knows why I called.
"Aah I need your help. We were cooking and the food got burned. There is only a little time left in dinner and both your family and uncle Smith family are invited..." I was talking non stop and than paused.
"What is the problem in that? I will send you the food. What you want for dinner?" He asked. I told him the menu.
"Please make sure your brother don't know about this." I said.
"Dont worry Isabel. Trust me nothing will happen you will have your food deliverd soon." He said and ended the call.
Did he just called me Isabel? Well I don't have time for that.

Adwin POV.

My family already left for the dinner next door and I was taking my time getting ready. To be honest I don't want to see her face twice today. Even just being near her my brain short circuit.

I rang the door bell more than once I have this feeling that she's going to open the door.
"I thought that the door bell wasn't working." I said as soon as the door open and she was standing in front of me wearing white dress with colourful floral embroidery at the bottom that ended above her knee. Her caramel colour hair straighten and a butterfly clip on side. No makeup but a little gloss on her lips.
"Is Adwin Collins checking me out? " She said bringing me back to my senses. What the hell just happened. I chose to ignore.
"I thought you weren't invited." She said.
"Ooh your dad specially invited me to come and check his daughter failed cooking skills." I said and went inside. No doubt she is devil in angel skin.
The table was perfectly set for dinner. Ten points to the effort I laughed inwardly.
"Why you smiling on your own. " My brother asked. "Nothing bro. " I said and sat down on chair.
"Okay everyone dinner is ready please join us." Rafaella announce and everyone walked towards dining table.
As it was the table for eight the girls decide to eat later. Tomato soup was served first. It taste similar thats the first thing that came to my mind and I looked at my brother and elbowed him.
"It taste great. " My mother said. How can she not recognize her own restaurant dish.
"It taste so familiar. Like i have... " I was cut by my brother elbowing me.
"How is your mother now?" My mother asked Mrs. Wilson.
I just come to know she just arrived after visiting her mother who was sick. That's why the girls cooked today's dinner.
"Are you sure you cooked or ordered it?" My father said. "Well now you are being rude Collins." Mr. Williams said.
"No it taste really good." my dad said. Now they can't even recognize their own restaurant.
"This beef stew just taste like our.... " I was stopped by my brother because he elbowed me. " Not now. Shhh. " He whisper in my ear. Just great.

I realize that I was the only one sitting between elders so I left the room. I don't know where Edward went so I went outside to find him. Than I spot Rafaella sitting on the bench. Her hair tied up in a bun with few tendrils here and there. "Have you seen Edward?" I asked her as I walked towards her.
Few second passed and than she looked at me. "You have phone right? Just call him." She said. Ooh how can i expect straight answer.
"No I don't have. Do you always have to be this difficult?" I asked her.
"He is in the backyard. " She said ignoring my question.
"What is he doing there?" I said. I start walking towards the backyard when I heard someone talking. 
"Thankyou Edward. Thankyou so much." Isabella said. "Now you making me feel ashamed." My brother said taking a step closer.
"No its me who is ashamed I ordered so many things and didn't ask for the bill. Just give me the bill." She said and take her hand out in gesture. "What kind of bill. I did this on my own." He said. " Yeah but this is your business." She said with confuse look.
"So you think I am doing business with you? Not everything is a business." My brother said taking a step away from her. She was about to say something when someone called her from inside and she left. Than i walked towards him.
"Both sisters are selfish and heartless." I said to my brother. "She think I was doing business with her? Damm it I pour all my heart on it." He said sadly.
Poor brother and his endless love.
"Whose idea was that? Rafaella's?" I asked.
"No! It's Isabella she called me." He said.
"Yeah it was your hard work and someone else is getting all the prizes." I said.
"Ah it doesnt matter." He said and a smile appear on his face.
"I will tell uncle Wilson about this." I said. "No you won't just keep your mouth shut okay?" He said pointing his finger on his lips.
"Yeah I knew it this so called love. This is taking you no where." I poke my finger on his chest. "What will happen if you fall in love you will be crying your heart out but your lover won't understand your situation." He said.
I laughed that's never happening. "Not happening any time soon."

. . .

I was getting nervous because of today's exam. Rafaella always beat me with high score and I always come second place.
Teacher started distributing sheets and everyone started writting. My heart was beating fast. I began to feel nervous. I started reading questions they seemed easy to me and I started writing answers. I was so engrossed in my test that I didn't realize only thirty minutes were left. My test was almost complete so I started going through it again just in case there were any mistakes.
There was only ten minutes left so I handed the sheets to my teacher and left the class. Once again Rafaella beat me and submitted her exam sheet before me as she was walking ahead of me.
"How was it." Luke asked me as we start to leave the campus. "It was great." I said.
I was sure I did my best. "You? How was yours?" I asked him. "Hmm it was fine." He said.

. . .

The score sheet was already on notice board. As I looked up my name was on first place and second place was Rafaella.
I rubbed my eyes twice and than looked again. It was real. Yes finally.
Rafaella was standing next to me and she looked furious. Damn this girl can't take failure easily. It's not even failure is just second place. She storm away from the crowd into Mr. Smith office.
"Wow congratulations bro." Luke said. Patting on my shoulder.

I saw Mr. Smith rushing out of his office followed by Rafaella. "This is unfair you know that. I am way better than him. I want recheck of our tests." She said like some spoil brat. She sounded so absurd.
"Rafaella don't be ridiculous just work harder next time. You had this minor error because of being so over confident." He said and went to other direction. Than her eyes landed on me. She started walking towards me.
"I guess party is in my house tonight. You are definitely invited. " I said.
She left without a word. For the first time there was no come back from her smart mouth.


I am dancing with happiness. All this time she used to come first. In school, than in college and now in university, but for the first time I am first. I told my mother that I score the highest so she invited everyone over to celebrate. Which was totally not necessary.
I posted on status on my Facebook 'feeling overjoyed with 20 others scored highest marks in class. ' just to tease Rafaella.

My cell phone rang, it was Luke. "You must be flying in air?" He said. "yeah finally I have given her shut up call. She is such a swaggerer. "
And for once she will put her ego aside. We talk a bit and than he wanted me to come to the party this weekend and I agreed.
I was sure she won't let go this easily. Let's see what she do tonight at dinner.

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