Chapter Four

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Tessa was preparing the evening tea when she heard a snarling outside the open window. Peering out, she saw the dog creature. Tessa has never seen it up close, it was always too far off. Now, it was just outside her cottage and Mr. Kelly was lying on the ground in fear.

Grabbing an iron fire poker, she raced outside without concern for herself. The creature had its back turn to her, its focus on the man lying on the ground. It was about to attack when Tessa stabbed its side with the poker. It howled painfully and turned towards her, the poker still in its body. Its eyes were glowing red. It lunged at her. Tessa raised her arms to protect herself.

She screamed as the fangs of the creature chomped down on her right forearms. It shook its great head, tossing her like a rag doll to the ground. The agony radiated from the wound to the rest of her body. It felt like she was lit of fire. She screamed again as the creature jumped at her throat.

Stuart knocked the creature away from Tessa with just a breath's time to spare. Drawing the sword from his side, he went at the creature who charged at him now. With one fluid movement, the creature was cut in two.

"It bit her!" Mr. Kelly yelled at Stuart, pointing to Tessa who was thrashing in pain. There was venom in the mouth of the creature, and it was spreading throughout her body. Stuart went to her side. The bite was bad, nearly to the bone. He could see the black trails of the venom in her veins.

"Save her! You own her your life!" Mr. Kelly yelled again, pulling himself off the ground. He staggered to Tessa who now was moaning in distress.

"She must stay a month with me at the Unseelie Court to be properly healed." Stuart relpied, lifting her up in his arms. Tessa shook against his chest. "I will take care of you." His voice trembled in fear. Could he save her?

"I will tell her boss. Now go!" Mr. Kelly yelled. With that, Tess and Stuart vanished.


The healers went to work to draw out the venom the moment he lay her on the table. Stuart stood out of the way as they pulled up her sleeve and started to mix herbs and tonics together. He wished he could hold her hand and tell her that he was there. Her cries filled his ears, causing tears to be in his eyes.

It seems like donkey's years passed before she had quieted down. Her breath was labored. Her forehead was covered in sweat. The healers still worked about. To get the venom out was a slow process and it could take days for her to wake up. Stuart stood there, unmoving. His eyes never left her face.

"Son." He heard his mother's voice. He did not turn his head, fearing that one look away and Tessa would be gone. Her footsteps came to him. He felt his mother's gown brush his hand, still covered in Tessa's blood. "This is the mortal who has stolen your attention." She spoke, looking on Tessa. She gazed that the woman, no older than her son. She looked small and fragile. Her skin was pale due to the venom. Tangles and knots now filled her hair. There were bags under her eyes. She was still in the clothes that she arrived in.

"You have not eaten in two days. Come, dinner is ready." Queen Mab announced, looking back at her son. His mouth was in a hard line. His teeth were clenched behind his lips. He still did not take his eyes from her.

"No. I will stay here." Stuart replied to her. He had not moved from that spot since she left his arms.

Queen Mab spoke his true name, trying force him to leave Tessa and get something to eat. She watched as he fought against the command, his muscles stained against the power of his name.

"Fine." She released him from the command. Stuart took a deep breath. "Let you be weak when she wakes. A lot of good that will do for the both of you." She hissed, leaving the room.

Louis Mackey stood on a path outside the woods. In his hand was a stone talisman. He rubbed his thumb across it, summoning something that live in the woods.

"What do you want?" Queen Mab fumed, coming from the dark of the woods. She eyed the mortal man with loathing and a bit of love.

"How is the girl?" Louis asked. She rolled her eyes. Of course, he would ask about her. The whole damn castle has been buzzing about the prince's mortal. She was really sick of it.

"Healing is slow. The bite was deep. She will live." Queen Mab replied, looking around to avoid his eyes. "Will you not ask about him?"

"You told me to never to ask." Louis reminded her. "I know that he is hurting because she is in pain and there is nothing he can do but wait." He was watching her. The Fae Folk rarely age. She was as beautiful as the day he first saw her, nearly thirty years ago.

"You know so much." Queen Mab retorted. "He is like you. A hopeless romantic. I doubt it will work out." She seethed, picking off something off her dress to keep her hands to herself and not pulled him close.

"It will work. I knew they were meant to be from the moment she asked if she could work at the book shop." Louis proclaimed, leaning on the tree where she stood.

Queen Mab looked up into his hazel eyes. Those eyes that cause her to feel something for the first time in centuries. A faint smile played on her lips. A smile that she only gave him. "You hopeless romantic." She whispered.

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