Chapter Six

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Another week had passed. The trails were shorts, just her arm now. Stuart and Tessa found themselves tiptoeing around, stealing kisses when they felt it was safe to do. They tried not to let their hands linger on the other and their kisses get too deep. It was hard not to keep Tessa in his arms. Stuart debating about not caring what his mother thought and showing Tessa how much she meant to him. Yet, this was Tessa's decision, and he would abide by her wishes.

Queen Mab kept herself away from her son and her mind busy with anything she could. Seeing the two made her realized how she longed to be with Louis. Yet, she had a reputation to uphold. She could not be like a mortal woman, fawning over him. Even with the cold and snow, Louis kept his visits to the woods to see her. She always saw him. The highlight of her day.

Tessa woke to the sounds of shouts. Two castle guards dressed in their dark uniforms opened her door. She was frightened.

"There is a Seelie attack happening. The prince wants to keep you safe." One of the guards cautioned as she hastily grabbed her robe to wrap it around her body. They closed the door and locked it. One of the guards went to the glass door that led to the courtyard. As he passed the bed, he tossed his bow and quiver of arrows to keep them out the way.

Tessa moved to the corner of the wall, hoping that Stuart would be okay. She learned that he was a very skilled swordsman and a master of many other weapons. Shouts ground louder. To feel safer, Tessa took the bow and quiver off the bed, dropping her robe.

The door broke opened, exposing Seelie Court soldiers in white and gold uniforms on the other side. The two Unseelie guards engaged fighting. Tessa stood there, trying to figure out how to save herself. The two great enemies fought and the Unseelie guards fell to their blades.

"The captain said no captives but the queen." One of the soldiers grinned, rising his sword up. Tessa took a deep breath. She was scared.


"King Oberon will be pleased with his newest prisoner." The captain of the soldiers beamed as Queen Mab was being held by two men. They had caught her in the throne room. She did not know where her son was, but knew he was alive. Queen Mab feared that they killed the girl, or worse.

The captain sneered at the queen. He knew that this would get him in the good graces of the king. Suddenly the two men holding Queen Mab had arrows protruding from their chest. Their hearts pierced. The captain wheeled around. A blood splattered mortal woman stood there, holding a bow in her hand. She was dressed in a blue satin night gown with a quiver of arrows tied to her waist. The Unseelie bow seem large in her hands. The captain felt something in his own chest. As he looked down, he fell to his knees. An arrow had its target of his heart. Tessa had become a champion archer while living in Ireland. Her specialty was a double arrow trick shot at fifty yards.

A commotion behind her made Tessa drop the bow and picked up a sword from the floor. She spun for an overhead attack. Stuart blocked her attack with his own sword. Tessa started to weep when she saw Stuart, she had feared him dead. Stuart took her into his arms and kissed her lovingly. He pulled away, noting the smears of blood across her face and chest. There was a cut on her collarbone, not deep but enough to anger the prince.

Stuart ordered for every single Seelie soldier to be beheaded and just their bodies sent back to the Seelie Court Castle. Keeping her in his arms, Stuart went to his mother. Queen Mab stood dumbfound to what happen. She looked at the bodies, laying about her.

"I give you one wish for saving me." Queen Mab swore to Tessa. Receiving a wish from a Fae Folk was a great honor to a mortal. It rarely happened.

"I will keep the wish for the time being. Thank you." Tessa replied. Queen Mab reached out and touched Tessa's face, a gesture of gratitude. To Stuart, she touched his face as well. She took her leave, having the servants clean up the blood and bodies.

Stuart took Tessa to his chambers since hers had to be cleaned. He tended to her wound with a healing saliva. Stuart ensured her that he was not harmed, but Tessa checked for herself. Stuart allowed her to take off his shirt. She ran her hands up his bare chest, looking over every inch carefully. She walked around, tracing the hard muscles of his back with her fingertips. His eyes rolled back, enjoying her touch.

"Oh Tessa." Stuart whispered, turning to her. He wanted her now in his bed, underneath him. Stuart wanted to explore her body while she explored his. He stopped himself. Her eyes were heavy, not in lust but in tiredness. The remaining venom wreaked havoc on her as she was fighting against the Seelie. He carried her to the washroom to clean off the rest of the blood. Her dress was stained. He asked her to remove the dress and wrap his robe around her while he stepped out of the room. He went to her chambers to retrieve a replacement dress.

His chambers were dim when he returned. Laying in his bed, Tessa wore one of his shirts. The shoulder of the shirt hung low, showing the flowers on her skin. He liked her choice of sleepwear better. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was soft. Stuart stripped out of his pants and clean himself up. Pulling on his loose dark satin sleep pants, he made the chair ready for him to slumber in.

"Stuart." Tessa called to him. She was awake and reaching her hand out to him. Taking her hand, he climbed into bed next to her. She settled herself on his bare chest. Stuart held her close. This felt like home.

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