3. A Complication

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The figure looked into the darkness with expecting eyes, unbeknownst to him a sniper's laser was pointed at the back of his head, carefully watching his every move.

I clung to the shadows, for they were my friends, they cloaked and protected me, I knew better than to turn against them.

My lover was bloody and bruised, tufts of his teal hair were strewn about around his feet, his clothes were covered in blood and his mask was broken badly, it now barely covered his face.

Lightning struck outside and thunger growled above us.

It was a trap.

The only thing left for me to figure out was how the hunter would become the hunted, with the sniper cloaked by darkness and comforting flames long gone, it would be difficult.

My plan was jumbled thoughts at best, all impossibly strung together, but my emotions were clawing at me, begging to be released.

Anguish took over my body, and I made my choice.

I dashed into the light before hiding in the darkness behind my lover.

There was no sense in my actions, for if there was, I would have found a better way out of this nightmare.

I watched the red laser search hopelessly for me, it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

My eyes flicked towards my boss for a moment, I watched as he attempted to turn around, he winced as he did so, and I cursed the chains that bound his hands, they constricted and left his skin irritated.

I couldn't help myself from thinking of his eyes for a moment, I truly was lovesick.

My thoughts were rudely interupted by a dark figure landing infront of me.

Of course.


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