chapter 5

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Jason POV

I woke up at 4:30 am and looked around the room Piper was snuggling into my chest and I saw Percy wasn't against the wardrobe, I shook Piper until she woke up I whispered that Percy wasn't in the room,

Piper walked across to Thalia and woke her up we all walked across to wake up Artemis to find Percy on the couch and Artemis grabbing onto his T-shirt Percys arms wrapped around her both fast asleep, Piper grabbed a monster proof phone and took a few pictures of them.

Hephestuas gave Leo his blueprints to make more phones for a few demigods Leo made Piper, Nico, Will, Hazel, Frank, and I a phone he also made one for Calypso and Thalia but he hasn't met Thalia yet because the hunters have been very busy and so has Leo.


Piper took a picture of Percy and Artemis sleeping on the couch.

We decided to go downstairs without them, we saw Remus, Sirius Mr and Mrs Weasley were all down stairs, Mrs Weasley was cooking a great English breakfast when we came down Mrs Weasley asked "where Percy and Artemis was" Thalia said "they were still asleep and they'll be down in a while" I asked Mrs Weasley if she needed help cooking anything she looked at me and smiled and said "of course can you set the table and afterwards get some bread toasted"

Once I had the table set everyone was downstairs and ready to eat except for Artemis and Perce, Hermione was talking with Piper while Thalia was talking to Ginny the twins were in a corner talking while the rest of the adults were at the table.

Percy POV

I woke up and felt someone snuggling against my chest I looked down to see Artemis, for one of the first times I actually looked at her properly her skin was pale with auburn hair she was really cute I hadn't realised her eyes were open and she was staring back until she moved her head up she hid her head in the crook of my neck by now I knew she was embarrassed,
all I said was "good morning Arty how was your sleep" I received a small nod and a mumble from her I couldn't make out what she said but I decided I'd leave it. I  tried to get off the couch when I sat up Artemis somehow ended up on my lap, I continued to stand until her legs were wrapped around my waist she told me to put her down

I put Artemis back on the ground and opened the door and followed her downstairs when I got down Thalia and Piper kept moving there eyebrows up and down everytime I made eye contact with them once Artemis and I finished breakfast Sirius asked me to try to use a patronus again before I tried he told me to "think of something I've done since becoming a celebrity"
I thought about my first meeting after my first concert Ariana was backstage ready to talk with me

I remember going back to my hotel room and we watched The misfit of the demon king academy I never had seen an anime before but this was good we were all on the couch with popcorn and M and M's,  Ariana enjoyed it the most.
I told her we should get some sleep, once I recalled how happy I was that night I focused on it when I opened my eyes I had a small blue projection it was an outline of something Sirius said " the memory mustn't have been strong enough

Sirius told me to think of something recent I decided to think of being at Kowabunga with Artemis and her falling asleep while I was humming a few nights ago, I focused for a minute and the next thing I knew someone gasped and Sirius was clapping saying "well done" I opened my eyes to see a pegasus made from a blue light going around the room I guessed it was Piper who gasped on how she was acting Jason said "Perce that's amazing how'd you do that" I looked at him and said magic here why don't you try, Jason took a step back saying "I don't know what to do" I told Jason to think of his happiest memory and say expecto patronum Jason asked "like what" I said anything going back to camp Jupiter on the Argo or a night out with Piper or meeting Thalia or even a joke Leo made at a campfire Jason looked like he was thinking before his eyes lit up he said "expecto patronum" and a eagle burst out of his hand in the same blue light Jason took a step back and said "woah" Remus asked "how did Jason produce a patronus on his first attempt"

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