chapter 8

810 22 19

Percy POV

Once Arty and I lay down I hummed until I could hear the rising in her chest slow down and her breathing equaled out, I'm nervous about having to teach if I was told I'd be teaching when I was twelve I'd probably end up crying from laughter but now I'm in a new world where I have to teach something that none of these kids will know and they could get hurt not to mention there's a new prophecy that could happen over the next few years and demigods will be coming to Hogwarts this year.

I decided to push all my thoughts down and I focused on trying to fall asleep.
The next morning I woke up at 7 am and saw Artemis still holding on to me instead of trying to get up I closed my eyes and just listened there was a sizzling pan on in the kitchen so I'm guessing Mrs Weasley was up.

I lay down for another hour before Artemis started to stir she yawned and grabbed onto my shirt it was funny the other three hadn't woken up yet so I said morning Arty should we wake up the others I got a small nod into my chest and I stood up without letting Arty go she clung onto me again so I walked over and tapped Jason until he woke up I told him to wake up Piper and I walked across and formed a small droplet of water right above Thalia's forehead and I dropped it Thalia muttered something and Arty slapped my arm

I shook Thalia until she woke up instead. A few more minutes everyone was changed and ready to eat we went downstairs into the Kitchen
We saw Mrs Weasley still cooking Mr Weasley and Sirius in a conversation and Tonks and Remus having a talk none of the others were down stairs yet so we all sat down and started to wait for the rest to come down after a good while Harry and Hermione came into the room whispering and when Mrs Weasley didn't see Ron or Ginny she shouted up the stairs "breakfast is ready get down here NOW" she raised her voice even more when she said now.

The next thing you heard were two pairs of footsteps banging on the stairs Ron and Ginny burst through the door and ran to the table the plates levitated over to the table with a set of forks and knives and everyone dug in there was a bit of tension in the room but I think it's because everyone is worried about going to Hogwarts for different reasons on one hand the students are worried about actual school and schoolwork while Remus,Tonks,Arthur and Molly are worried about what would happen if Voldemort attacked.

Jason,Piper,Thalia and Artemis are worried about the new prophecy once we all finished Remus said "ye should get going before you're late" I stood up and gave Thalia and Piper a hug each and pulled Jason into a bear hug which he returned I told him to try and lead the quest if he can and bring Pipes along to and then Arty stood up I expected her to give out but I decided to give her a hug too after I pulled Arty in she tensed for a moment before trying to wrap her hands around me we pulled apart and I asked Arty if she could bring everyone home, Artemis said "they'd be home in a flash" and walked our of the room with everyone to flash back to camp Sirius said "Percy how are your friends planning on going back to America"I said Artemis has it covered.


Mr Weasley asked if everyone was ready to go he received a few nods and mumbles that I couldn't hear, after a long two hours Fred and George apparated upstairs and brought all the trunks down using wingardium leviosa to make it easier for everyone else we walked out to the car and packed everything in to leave after a long forty five minute drive we got to king's cross station I looked at the ticket and saw that it said platform nine and three quarters I asked Ron what the ticket meant even though I could have just searched through my brain to find the answer Ron said the "platform is between nine and ten so muggle dont see it and all we had to do was run through the wall to get there"

it wasn't the craziest thing I've heard being around wizards nevermind hearing Leo talk about anything techy we walked down the station until we came to platform nine and ten Fred and George ran through the wall followed by the Weasley parents and Ginny Ron Hermione went next with Harry and I going through last with Remus we got through the wall and all I could do was stare there was a big red train with a black front with Gold letters that said the wagHost eprexss Hermione whispered "the Hogwarts Express" then it made since I followed Harry onto the train until we found an empty compartment I walked in and helped put Harry's trunk onto the rack above the seats Ron and Hermione are perfect this year so they were sitting towards the end of the train with the three other pair of prefects from each house Harry and I started talking about different things he asked me how I was planning on bringing weapons into the school I said one of my friends are going to bring them all by the end of the week.

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