Sophia's pov

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When the plane lands Enzo wakes me up and we both grab a puppy to bring them to my car. We hop in and I ask Enzo to drive which he is more than happy to do and we are soon on our way to a pet store.

"Thank you for taking me Enzo. I want to get the puppies some treats and toys." I tell him because we are both tired but I am just so excited about the cute babies that we just got.

I am sitting in the back with Hades and Seph while Enzo drives and watches me at every chance we get. When we stop at our local pet store we get the puppies ready and walk them in.

In the pet store we let the puppies pick out their own toys and treats as we walk around. We get them their own food and even grab name tags for their collars.

As we drive home I connect them and even give them some treats since they were being so good. When we get home I see Stella's car and I notice that the house lights are on as soon as our car pulls up. Amelia and Stella run out of the house and grab the puppies from us while Enzo grabs our bags and I grab the puppies' things.

"Enzo, they are so cute, why didn't you get me one." Stella says to him and he frowns at her while she looks at him.

"Stella, if you want a puppy you just have to ask me."

"I don't need one but yours are so cute." We walk inside and up to a room that I soon find out has been redone for the puppies. It is next to ours and they even have a door that connects to our room.

It's pretty cute and Amelia tells us that as she plays with Hades. "Enzo, I am so happy for you two. It's another step before grandchildren. I couldn't be more happy."

He mumbles about work and walks out to catch up in the mafia in his office. Amelia, Stella and I play with the puppies until they fall asleep. We leave them with the door open and don't go far so that when they wander out we can catch them.

We talk for a while and Amelia asks about our wedding date again but I tell her to ask Enzo because he hasn't asked me yet. She looks defeated and I feel bad but she soon excuses herself to the bathroom.

"So Soph Lana and I hung out while you were gone and we want to get together one day. Do you want to go clubbing with us?" I think about it for a second and smile at her as I say "Yeah I don't mind what day? I could drive. I am excited about this new car anyway."

"Yeah we are thinking Thursday night. Enzo's newest club has a day where drinks are half off so a lot of people will be there. The more the merrier, you know. Plus Lana needs to find a man she is the only single one left."

I look at Stella because she knows how I feel about Lana and her dating life. Lana sleeps around and I don't judge her for that but then she complains about love. I just don't understand her but I still listen to her complaints about men.

"She just needs to settle down. I love her but every time she goes out to model she has new sex stories." I shake my head and peek in the puppies room to still see them passed out sleeping.

"Well I talked to her and she says that she is willing to try so let's go out and see where the night goes." I smile at her and we talk about our outfit choices before Amelia comes out of the bathroom with a smile on her face as she listens to the end of our conversation.

For the next couple hours we talk and watch the puppies play and sleep. By the end of the night Amelia and Stella leave. Stella makes sure that I have a cute outfit picked out and that Enzo is almost done with work before she leaves to go home.

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