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Three months Later

I am now officially Mrs. Donatelli. It's crazy to think about even though it has already been a month. We went on a honeymoon to a private resort for a couple weeks and it was such an amazing trip being able to relax with Enzo.

It was so good that right now I am standing over the sink staring at a positive pregnancy test. I told no one because I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up, and I wanted Enzo to know first.

I had the feeling for a while even before the wedding but I wanted to enjoy that time as newly weds and to be honest I was scared. I still am but I know that I am going to do all I can to keep this baby healthy and I know that Enzo will as well.

Right now Enzo is on his first day of work since our honeymoon. So I hop in my car with Matea in the passenger seat and head towards the store. I have been planning on telling him and after a couple ideas I figured I would buy a little baby shirt and show him the test.

Keeping it simple I found a cute white baby romper and toy and bought it and started heading home. Matea Still doesn't know and he asks no questions about what I got or anything which I am thankful for.

As I get home I see more cars in the driveway so I hurry up inside and notice that the shower is running upstairs.

I quickly set up a cute layout of everything on the kitchen counter and I ran upstairs to our room so that I could walk down with him. Upstairs Enzo is shirtless with gray sweatpants on and he smiles when he sees me.

I hugged him and ask him "How was your first day?"

He kisses me and says "Hard because you weren't there."

He has been trying to get me to come in with him but I told him that he wouldn't get any work done with me there. He still is griping about it though.

He falls down in bed and goes to turn the TV on but I stop him. He looks at me weird and I say "Can we go make dinner?"

He grumbles and says "I can have Madga make some and bring it up."

Magda is our new chef who has already gone home so I say "No, we can make dinner. I got supplies today."

Reluctantly he stands up and walks with me downstairs. He grumbles about it the whole way down and even makes a comment about my uncommon big smile.

As we make it down to the kitchen my husband who I love dearly but can sometimes be so daft walks right past my pregnancy test. I stand by it as he looks into the fridge and when he turns around with a block of cheese in his hand I have a huge smile on my face.

When he looks down at the counter I hear his breath whoosh out of him and see a huge smile on his face. He walks around the counter and looks at the tests that I layed out.

He picks it up and sees the two lines and drops it as he looks at me. "How far along?"

I go up to hug him and say "I have no idea we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. I think before the wedding I just wasn't sure."

He picks me up and kisses me with a huge smile on his face and now I am crying because he is so happy.

That night he was the cutest. He talks about names and talks to my belly. We plan to tell his parents tomorrow after getting the picture of our baby. It works out perfectly because tomorrow we were going over there anyway since we haven't seen them since the wedding.

The next day Enzo and I got ready for the appointment. I woke up nauseous but I haven't pucked yet. We both get dressed and Enzo drives us to the doctor. I have not met this one since she is obviously for pregnant women and last time I wasn't pregnant enough to go. This time I am though and I am so excited.

I take some tests and she talks to us about our plans until it's finally time to see how far along I am and also get an ultrasound. They keep the computer towards them as the tech looks and then when they smile they say. "Your little one sure has no shame any place I look, they show themselves off. I don't want you guys to see the baby's gender until you want to." And they laugh.

Enzo whispers in my ear "Damn right they have no shame."

After a while The tech says "Looks like you are about three months pregnant."

My eyes widen and Enzo chuckles because that is way longer than I thought we were. I laugh and she finally turns the screen towards us. Enzo's hand tightens on mine and I am speechless with this little human growing inside of me.

Enzo asks me "Do you want to know the gender or wait." I think and say "As long as this is what you want I think it would be nice to know. Just with you our secret." HE smiles and asks "Could you tell us the gender?"

She smiles and says "You are having a baby Boy."

We are overjoyed. Enzo hugs me and has a huge smile on his face. All I know is that our future son's dad and I love him more than he may l ever know. But we will make sure he knows every single day

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