The Lizzy Show Ep 4

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**Previously on The Lizzy Show, Team Waliz's Channel is back and the team finally know who the culprits are but don't know where they are. Eclipse and Lunar have noticed they are short on teammates. Hmm I wonder what they are up too.**

Eclipse: So Eric, you know what to do, right.

Eric: Huh, sorry wasn't listening. Could you repeat it again.

Eclipse: Oh my- *sigh* Listen, we need you to be a distraction for the Lizzy Group so we can find an animatronic to hack to be one of our minions. Can you do that?

Eric: Uhhhh....... No.

Eclipse: What?

Eric: HeH. Just kidding, I'll do it.

Eclipse: Good cause if you didn't, well, you'll know consequences.

Eric: OK.


Liz: OK we are here at the Lizgoesboom AU World.

Bonnie: Well, I love when it used to be fun but my friends are gone. I need to get them back, somehow.

Liz: We just need to focus on finding a way to get this channel back.

Plex: I'll stay here to make sure nothing else happens to the time machine.

Liz: OK see you soon.

Waluigi: So what's next.

Liz: Wait... Isn't that Eric over there.

Moon: I don't think this is a good idea--

Liz: Hi Eric.

Moon: OK that happened.

Eric: Hi Liz. What are you up to.

Liz: We are--

Moon: Getting some pizza that we ordered online.

Liz: Excuse me for a moment. *pulls Moon to the side* What is your problem.

Moon: Well I feel like this might be a trap or distraction for you know who.

Liz: How would he work for them. You know I told him about what happened on July 16th. He's dangerous around kids and teens.

Moon: Yeah I know but--

Liz: But what?

Moon: I want to protect my favorite person in the whole world. Something changed in me like I didn't feel before. Do you remember when I told you I was aro/ace?

Liz: Yeah and-

Moon: Well it's hard to tell you that--

Liz: That what?

Bonnie: *yells* Liz! Moon! We need your help. NOW!

Moon: *to himself* Damn it. Missed my chance. Now what's u- OH MY GOD. I figured he would go super saiyen.

Waluigi: Wait you watch Dragon Ball Z

Moon: Not the point. We need to stop him. Somehow.

Bonnie: So what do we do now.

Moon: I binged watched the whole show. I know what to do. SUPER SAIYEN 5!!

Eric-chan: Moon-chan, how dare you challenge me. Take thi---

Moon-chan: Kamehameha!!

Eric-chan: Noooooooooooo!

Moon: Well, that was easy.

Liz: Woooooooooooooow!

Bonnie: Aw heck yeah. That was awesome. High five.

Moon: I don't think you should. My hand is still burning.

Bonnie: And my channel is back too!

Liz: Sweet, now let's get out of here.

Waluigi: Yes please. This place gives me the cre-

Bonnie: The what. Waluigi.

Waluigi: The creation of a amazing place. Yeah amazing.

Bonnie: Yeah right. I know what you were gonna say.

*Liz laughs and looks back and winks*

*End of Episode 4*

Thanks for waiting for a while for this upload. I had writers block for a couple of months. Can't wait to finish. See you guys soon. Love Liz.

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