Head cannons for "forgotten (Dream angst)"

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Hello! These are my personal head cannons. If you don't agree than please don't hate. All of my books will most likely have father Dream and child Tommy. I will do my best to organize these by stories but I can't make any promises.

1.Tommy and Dream are both amazing cooks.

2. Tommy was abandoned by everyone -Dream, Sapnap, George, Eret, and Karl (although Karl isn't mentioned in the story.)

3. Tommy has always seen Dream as a father figure

4. Wilbur did die but Dream was forced to resurrect him by Philza and Quackity

5. Sapnap is a blaze hybrid

6.George is a Mooshroom hybrid

7. Tommy is an avian but he dislikes showing his wings because of Philza

8.Dream is the admin of the server and most gods like him

9. Despite being designed after Dream, DreamXD hates Dream with a burning passion

10.Lady death is disappointed in Phil because he abandoned Tommy

11.Tommy has trust issues

12.Tommy has suicidal tendencies and an eating disorder although it's gotten much better.

13.Dream can't die because he is admin of the server

14. DreamXD and Dream aren't brothers

15. DreamXD and Dream are actually cousins but they don't like each other at all

16.Dream never manipulated Tommy

17. Dream was in the right

18.Tommy hates anyone who hurt Dream

19.Tubbo exiled Tommy on his own accord

20.Sapnap's hugs are very warm because he is a blaze hybrid

21.George and Sapnap both got incredibly close after Dream went to jail

22. Tommy wasn't allowed to go into the prison except for one time

23. Tubbo conspired with Sam to lock Tommy in Dreams cell and try to kill him

24.Tommy didn't get killed by Dream

25.Tubbo forced Dream to take the blame for many things

26. Tommy overheard Tubbo threatening Dream
27.Dreams mask broke in prison

28. No one but Sam knew that Dream was being tortured

29.Dream blames himself

30.Tommy and Dream both love start gazing

31.Tommy likes to draw

32.Foolish is a Demi god and Dream was the one who helped him get this status

33.Dream sings to Tommy sometimes

34. Eret controls all adoptions in the SMP

35.Techno is not a part of the SBI but he is still friends with Phil and Wilbur

36. Sapnap's hair lights on fire when he's angry

37.George can grow flowers and plants but they don't do that much

38. Tommy is partially deaf and partially blind

39.Dream can barley walk and talk because of Quackitys torture

Hello! I will probably update this eventually. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3 I love you all<3

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