Chapter 2

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I walked into my science building. If I was a girl, I would say I was walking with a pep in my step, but I'm not, so I won't. What I had told Lelia had all been the truth, I did arrive early, and I did get to explore the campus, but it wasn't everything. I had come to Galyce earlier to try to find out some information on who my partner would be. All they would tell me was that I would find out later in the day. I just hoped they wouldn't be like my partner back in high school. She was a psycho and wouldn't stop pestering me about going out with her.

I dreaded going to this first class. The only reason I was attending was because I needed the credit to graduate. The last thing I was going to do was give my family another thing to hold over my head. The halls had a few students coming and going, but they weren't jam packed like back in high school. Somewhat relieved by this I wondered down the hall to find my classroom. It would be better to just go ahead and get this over with.

Taking my schedule out of my pocket I glanced down at it to find out what room I was supposed to be going to. The class I needed to find was in 1031-C. 'Should be relatively easy to find.' As I was walking down the hall, looking at the numbers on the wall, my mind found itself thinking about Lelia again.

She was an interesting girl sure enough. Not like any others that I had met before. Her purple eyes stood out like a bright shining star against her pale skin, which I found beautiful. I chuckled a bit at the thought of the way she spoke. Curious if she spoke like that all the time or if it was just because she was nervous. The way she carried herself suggested the latter though. She seemed to be timid and almost afraid to talk to me. I mean, what was up with that? I'm as cuddly as the next guy. Maybe it was males that made her uncomfortable? I could always find her later and try to find out.

As I continued thinking about what I could say to her when I saw her again, I found my classroom. It was almost completely full by the time I arrived. Just great. That means I'll probably end up next to someone. I had been hoping that I wouldn't have to for the semester. Sometimes that's how it worked out for me, but it didn't seem to be the case this year.

Science wasn't particularly hard. It made complete sense in my mind, but almost anyone I ever sat next to always seemed to struggle with the subject. Last year I ended up sitting next to a guy who didn't even know what electrons were. Which they should've learned back in their freshman year of high school.

I sighed and looked for a seat. A smile spreading across my face quickly as I saw a lab table that didn't have anyone sitting at it yet. On the plus side there was no one's belongings there either. Looks like I got lucky this year.

I crossed the room and hastily took a seat at the table. Not bothering to take the giant textbook they required for the course out of my bag. Instead, I simply got a sheet of paper and my pencil and sat them down. I knew it would most likely be a review day, but you never know, this could be one of the professors who give a pop quiz on the first day.

Soon the teacher walked in. His eyes were looking over each student in the classroom until his eyes landed me. He gave me a knowing smile and a slight nod in my direction. I grimaced inwardly. Stupid family features giving me away. I didn't expect to be noticed on the first day. It was going to be bothersome if this continued throughout all my classes. Most people in my position would most likely revel in the feeling of being recognized, but I didn't care for it. Don't get me wrong, I love the thrill of battle, but outside the ring I'd like to feel like a normal person just once.

Once the teacher started to talk it was obvious, he would be spending the time going over the syllabus and answering any stupid questions that other students might have. How hard could it be to follow? I mean all it was is a layout of what we'll be doing throughout the semester. This did give me the chance to look at the other students in class. I knew it was unlikely that my partner would be in this class, but it wouldn't hurt to see who might fit my expectations.

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