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𝓋𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓎𝑜𝓃 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒶𝒻𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇

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 How it happened, Rhaenyra did not know. One moment, she was minding her own business, the next, she was a mother. Not literally of course, since the sperm weren't swimming past her IUD. Modern medicine truly was a gift.

Now, she was holding Aemond Targaryen like a football and Aegon was throwing a tantrum on the ground near the door.

Also, he was absolutely wrecking her dress. The football, not the kid who was sobbing after she called him an accident. Then, she had gone on to explain what an accident was. "I didn't mean it," Rhaenyra said, not meaning that.

"I wanna go home!" Aegon screamed, and Rhaenyra was losing her chill seconds at a time.

"I want that too!" Rhaenyra screamed right back at him. Her, the one with the law degree, was losing a fight with a toddler. She and Alicent were doing better. They were making strides. That was how this happened, how she came to her, on this the day of her cousin's wedding. The Godfather would not be proud of her.

"I want the skittles," Aegon said, now sitting on his fat arse and staring up at her with that glazed look on his face. He had the signature Targaryen hair, a bright silver, but his eyes were all Alicent. They were dark brown, specks of muted gold, and Rhaenyra suspected he had plucked them from the devil himself.

He had tossed the macaroni she made him, flinging it like a frisbee onto the wall and ruining the new beige paint job that she had done in the sitting room. That's right, she had done it and went all the way to Home Depot to pick out paint swatches because fuck Daemon. She was capable of doing things on her own.

Except, apparently, taking care of children. Aemond, unlike his brother, was a quiet one and she might have forgotten she was holding him if not for how he chewed through the literal puffy sleeve of her dress. She noticed this post-macaroni, where the short ruffles were tucked into his teeth and covered in slobber.

Now, she was attempting to ignore that he ruined her Dolce & Gabbana dress as she flipped the quesadilla with one clumsy hand. Of course, Aegon was still hungry, but he hadn't complied when she said for him to lick the macaroni off her new goddamned walls. Luckily, that hadn't made him cry, instead, it made him splash his juice directly at her. So now, she smelled like a rotten apple and was attempting to cover the urge to drown Alicent's child because she was trying to be better.

"I'm putting my anger behind me," Rhaenyra muttered as Aegon screamed from the corner that she told him to sit in. She had been surprised that he complied, but immediately realized that compliance did not equate to him being less of a bother.

"Scaly!" Aegon screamed, and Rhaenyra's nose wrinkled.

"I will not answer to that nickname," she told him, her fingers tightening on the handle of her spatula. She turned her gaze onto Aemond, who was staring at her, unblinking. "You are creeping me out."

"Scaly!" Aegon screamed again, and Rhaenyra pointed the spatula at him.

"What?" Rhaenyra exclaimed, her voice rising in a way that a passerby might think she was possessed by a demon. I have a LAW degree. What the fuck, she thought with growing self-irritation.

"I broke my dragon!" Aegon held up Sunfyre, who had by now been super glued back together twice by his mother. It somehow managed to look more shitty every time Rhaenyra saw it.

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