Engagement Party (part 1)

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Difficult Discussions:

Sirius and Remus live together now, so it wasn't as if they could avoid each other. Neither wanted to talk about the kiss, though technically kisses. They were both scared of the other wanting to take back the action, even though they both felt the same. So, they ignored it for as long as they could until Remus cracked.

"This is stupid!" He said at precisely two sixteen in the afternoon, the day after the party.

"What is?" Sirius asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.

"We're supposed to be friends! Why aren't we talking to each other?"

"You're not talking to me!" Sirius says defensively.

"You're not talking to me, either! Just, why? Do you regret it?"

"No! Do you?"

"Of course not!"


"Good," Remus repeats. Then they lapse back into silence, but there's a certain charge to it that wasn't there before. A phone call breaks the silence. Sirius' phone, to be specific. 


He answers it hopefully.

"What's wrong!?"

"Oh, thank gosh. Can you meet up? I need to talk."

"Of course. Cafe in twenty?"

"I'm already here, so as soon as you can."

"Ok, I'll see you. Love you."

"Love you." And with that, Lily hangs up. They've said 'love you' for years without anything being weird, even in front of James. But never, somehow, in front of Remus.

"Who was that?" Remus asked, something edging his voice to make it sharp as a knife. Jealousy?

"Lily. I have to go, see you."

"Where're you going?"

"Cafe. We go quite often. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Umm... alright. I'll see you later then." Remus looks back at what he's writing.

"Yeah. See you." Sirius leaves the flat feeling beyond confused about his situation with Remus and worried for Lily. 

He knows she's strong, and that she doesn't need anyone to fight her fights, but he'd be more than willing to if that's what it comes too. Yet on the phone she didn't sound panicked. Her words did, but when you know her as well as Sirius you can tell that her tone means much more. She sounded... intrigued. As if she has seen it heard something that not only piqued her interest, but piqued her interest enough to share it with Sirius. So, he made his way over to their usual cafe with a name they can't pronounce, so they just call it 'Cafe'. Sitting at their usual table is the fiery redhead, waiting for him.

"Oh, there you are! I have something important to tell you!" She looks around. "Not here, though."

"What's going on?" Sirius asks as she pulls him out of the cafe.

"James. He said he liked someone else in the group. I need a list of everyone invited. Er, everyone he knew before the party. He said he'd been wanting to tell me for a while so he's probably liked her for a while."

"Her? Lily, I love you with my soul but are we sure it's a girl?"

"Guess not. But there weren't many guys there. Only Frank, you, and Remus. Oh, and Ted, but he's engaged."

"Right. I can get that list. But I also need your help. Remus is being distant and I don't know what do to. I don't want to mess things up and lose him, and I don't want to do anything he's uncomfortable with, but I don't want to just be friends. But I don't want to do anything he's uncomfortable with. Can you see the predicament?" Sirius asks as they walk through the park.

"Tell him that, then. He's sweet, and he obviously likes you back. And you can't ignore each other forever."

"You could just ask James."

"What!? Why would he tell his ex his new crush?"

"Because you're not just his ex. You're one of his closest friends. He might tell me, so I can call him if you want, but after everything you two have been through he might tell you. Don't force him to if he doesn't want to, but if he does then you get your answer." 

"I guess. You call him first, just in case." Sirius nods and dials James.


"Hey, I was just wondering... who were you talking about? When you broke up with Lily."

"I... I can't tell you. They're... close to you. And you'll feel inclined to tell them and I can't go that to him. Them," he corrects, but it was too late.

"Him? Is it a guy?"

"Yes... please don't tell anyone. I'm gonna call Lily in a minute and tell her, but I'm still working myself out. I don't think I'm gay, because I liked Lily for so long. Maybe bi? Or pan. I'm not sure, but Lily deserves to know."

"Don't tell someone simply because you think they deserve to know. Tell them because you want to tell them."

"I do want to tell her. She's important to me. I may not love her romantically, but she's a big part of my life. I need her to know... to accept me."

"She will, mate. She did for me, and Remus. And all the other members of LGBTQIA+ at the party yesterday. Go ahead and call here, I'm here if you want to talk."

"Thanks, I'm calling her now. I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye!" James hangs up and Sirius walks back to where Lily is standing. He didn't mean to, but he had walked out of earshot when James picked up. Before he can say that he can't say anything, her phone rings.

"It's James." Sirius nods and gestures for her to take it and walk away. She does. Her expression doesn't change much, just subtle things like the twitch of an eye or fisting of a hand convey how she feels. Fisting a hand usually means angry, but it doesn't for Lily, it means worried and understanding. Which one it is in this situation is anyone's guess, but Sirius is hoping beyond hope that it's the latter. She smiles, and Sirius lets out an audible sigh. Everything must've gone well, because she hangs up and walks back over with a spring in her step. "Did he tell you who he likes?"

"Nope. Said it was someone 'close to me'. Whatever that means."

"He told me. And I understand why he didn't tell you. It's a boy."

"You think that's why he didn't tell me? I'm gay, why would I have an issue with him dating a guy?"

"I know that, but it's a boy close to you."


"No, not even he would dare to have a crush on someone you like. I can't tell you, I promised him and I would but-"

"No, I understand. I wouldn't have told you it was a boy unless I knew you knew. Don't break his promises and no harm will come to you."

"No harm from James, at least. I should head back. Have to get the Tedromeda engagement gift."


"Ship name. Easier than saying Ted and Andromeda. Do you want to join me?"

"Of course. Can I invite Remus? I want to tell him what you told me. What I told you? Whatever. You know what I mean."

"Of course. Call him."

And that's it for this chapter! I hope you don't mind too much dialogue, it's just easy for me to move the story that way. It's always been my preference. As you know, if you have any ships or fic ideas for me feel free to comment or just comment anyway I'll reply to what I can. Or don't comment. I don't mind. Thanks for reading this chapter and happy reading!


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