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I could barely sleep that night, with the memories flowing through my head nonstop. Even when I finally did drift off to sleep, I dreamt of the river, and of me and Tyler flying over it, and of the beautiful setting sun, and how the color matched how I felt: excited and happy.

My dreams revolved around Tyler a lot as well, of his beautiful blue eyes and the flowing blonde hair, and of his crooked smile and his loud laughter. He found his way into every dream.

When I woke that morning, I just wanted to fall back asleep and dream more about the crazy Tyler Oakley and the beautiful scenery behind him, but I had school, and it probably wasn't a good idea to miss my second day of school, so I begrudgingly got up and started to get ready. I grabbed a hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans from the closet, and worked my way to the bathroom. I planned on fixing my hair up into my usual quiff, but I just couldn't find the effort to, so I left it in curls on my forehead. I brushed my teeth quickly, threw on some shoes and went downstairs.

I was met in the kitchen by the smiling faces of my family. My sister, Sage, was chewing on a piece of toast, off in her own world. My younger brother Tyde was talking animatedly with my older brother Steele, and my mother and father were probably still in their room, getting ready for work.

"Hey Troye Troye, you didn't get home until pretty late last night," Steele said, breaking out of his conversation with Tyde.

"Yeah, I was with a friend," I grumbled, unhappy with the nickname. I've never liked nicknames, except for the one that Tyler gave me: Troye boy. It just has a nice ring to it.

"A friend?" Sage squealed, coming out of her daydreaming trance.

"Uh, yeah," I said, not looking at her.

"Who?" Steele asked.

"You don't know him, why does it matter?"

"Him?" Safe said, putting her toast down on the table. "Is it a cute 'him'"?

"It's not like that," I scoffed at her, moving past everyone to make some cereal.

"Your blush says otherwise, little brother," Steele said, pointing at my face. Again with the blushing, I don't know where it comes from. I've never blushed this much before, have I?

"It's hot in here, that's why my face is flushed," I argued, not looking at any of them.

"Actually I'm pretty chilly," Tyde said, smirking. I shot him a menacing glare, to which he just started laughing.

I decided to forget about the cereal, just grabbing a granola bar and heading outside to the bus stop.

"See you later, Troye!" My mom yelled from the upstairs window. I waved, then opened the wrapper to the breakfast bar and ate it as I waited for the bus.


"Hey Troye!" I heard Dan call as I walked into the room. I smiled and waved to him, walking a little faster to sit down in my seat. "How was the thing with Tyler Oakley last night?" He asked, a mischievous smirk on his face reminding me of what Ty said last night about people assuming that he was crazy because he was impulsive.

"It was a lot of fun, actually." I answered a little defensively. "Tyler's really cool."

Dan looked at me skeptically, but dropped the subject quickly, moving on to a different topic.

"So, today, your gonna hang out with me, okay?" He asked without actually asking.

I smiled, and responded, "do I have a choice?"

Wild: Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now