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I went back into the party to find most people asleep and scattered around the floor. I stumbled around the snoozing bodies, trying to find any sign of Dan. I found him when I peered out the window to the back yard. He was sitting on a porch seat, looking off into the distance.

I stepped outside, carefully opening the door as to not wake anybody, then closing it just as softly. Dan looked over at me, scared at first but relaxing when he recognized me.

I sat down in the chair next to him, looking up at the stars.

"Sorry I kissed you earlier," he broke the silence.

I laughed. "Yeah, what was that about?"

Dan shook his head and chuckled. "I don't know, I just felt like I needed to kiss you goodbye."

"It's alright," I said, laughing. "It didn't phase me, really. So where did you go with Phil?"

Dan looked down at his feet, suddenly appearing very sad.

"If I tell you this, you cannot tell anyone."

"Of course," I nodded fervently.

Dan sighed, then spoke softly. "Phil told me that he liked me."

I gasped involuntarily. "I didn't know Phil was gay."

"Me either," Dan said sadly. "But he said he wanted to be with me."

"What did you say?" I asked, curious.

"I told him that I didn't know," he said, then paused for a moment. "It came as a shock to me, so I said I didn't know."

"That's understandable," I said soothingly. "How did he take it?"

Dan looked up at me, a sad smile on his face. "He said, 'take your time Dan, I know this is a lot to process.' But he looked so sad while saying it."

I looked up at the sky again, noticing all of the stars twinkling so brightly. It was amazing how looking up into the sky could make you feel so small.

"What about you, Troye. Where did you disappear to?" He said, suddenly changing the subject.

"Oh, I found Tyler and we went down to the park a couple of blocks away." I answered nonchalantly.

Dan looked at me suddenly, his eyes huge. "Woah, I knew he was here but I didn't know that he knew you were here."

I laughed softly. "Yeah, he somehow seems to find me when he needs me. No matter where I am."

"Isn't that a little creepy?" Dan asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not really, it's just how Tyler is."

After a couple of seconds, Dan spoke up again. "What'd you guys do at the park?"

"Well, we swung, we talked, we kissed, we hung out, we-"

Dan cut me off by basically shouting. "You what?!"

I looked at Dan sheepishly, not wanting to answer him.

"Okay, first of all, I didn't know Tyler Oakley was gay either. And second of all, what the hell?" He sputtered, very confused.

"It's not that big of a deal, Dan, chill out," I said. "We just kissed and then he said that he didn't want to kiss me when I was drunk and then we came back here. No big deal."

Dan scoffed at my explanation. "No big deal? Who initiated the kiss?"

"Well," I started hesitantly, "I did."

Dan got quiet all of the sudden. "Do you, you know, like him or something?"

"I don't know," I responded honestly. "I've never really thought about it that much. I mean, he does have the tendency to make me blush, which is annoying."

Dan laughed, and looked back down at his feet.

"You know, one of the reasons I said that I didn't know to Phil was you," Dan spoke softly, almost softly enough to where I could hear.

"Me?" I asked, completely baffled. "Why?"

Dan chuckled, and spoke a little louder, "I didn't know how I felt about you. I mean, I've always been fond of you, but I think I might like you."

I looked at him in shock. "Wow, I must be some sort of boy magnet," I said, not meaning to joke but it coming out anyways.

Dan chuckled softly. "Yeah, you are." He paused again, then continued, "do you have any feelings for me?"

I couldn't answer. Did I? I mean, when Dan kissed me earlier, it felt kind of...normal. Like it was supposed to happen, like it happened all the time. But with the kiss with Tyler, I was completely blown away by it. It took my breath away, literally. But both felt good.

"Look, Troye, I'm sorry, this was all really sudden and I--"

"I think I do, Dan." I cut him off quickly.

He looked at me suddenly, and his breath hitched.

"But I also think I might like Tyler. In a different way."

Dan continued to stare at me. Then, he spoke slowly, yet confidently. "Can I try something?"

I nodded, knowing exactly where this was going to go. He leaned forward over the chair's arm and cupped my face with his hands, bringing me closer to him. His eyes were slowly closing, so I closed mine too. After a couple of seconds, our lips finally connected. They moved together in a synchronized pattern, following each other's movement. Then, he pulled away slowly, not letting the kiss get any deeper.

I opened my eyes to find that Dan was only a few inches away from me, and I looked up into his eyes.

"Thank you," Dan whispered, then stood up. "I need to go find Phil."

I understood completely. That kiss was necessary for both me and Dan to find out what we needed. It was enough for him to realize that he liked did want to be with Phil, and that I was not the one he should be with. I also realized that my kiss with Tyler was not a drunken mistake. I really wanted it. The kiss with Dan was good, but it wasn't filled with passion and lust like the one with Tyler's was. I wanted Tyler. I wanted to be with Tyler. But does he want to be with me?

No, I need to give him some space, let him figure out some things on his own too. He said he didn't know if it was the alcohol or if it was actually him, and I was going to let him figure it out.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, signaling a phone call. I pulled it out and placed it to my ear.


"Hey mom, just letting you know I made it home safe and--"

"Oh for fucks sake Ty, I was just worried about you," I laughed into the phone. I stood up, and walked inside.

"Well, I'm home. I didn't get abducted by aliens or something," Tyler said sarcastically.

"Well I'm glad," I whispered. I made my way through the sleeping bodies again and up the stairs. I opened the first door I saw and found an empty bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and lied down on the bed, listening to the steady breaths coming from the other end of the phone.

"Are you laying down?" Tyler asked softly.

"Mmhmm," I answered. "You?"

"Yes sir," he answered.

We stayed quiet for a while. I was almost sure he was asleep until he spoke up. "Troye?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Do dogs think in barks?"

I laughed softly, covering my mouth to make sure I didn't wake anyone.

"I don't know Tyler. Like I said, there is always Google."

I heard a soft chuckle from the other end of the line. "I know, but it's much more fun to ask you."

I smiled, even though Tyler couldn't see it.

"Goodnight, Tilly."

"Goodnight, Troye Sivan."

Wild: Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now