Chapter 4 Welcome Party

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Luna woke, once again finding herself sleeping later than she was used to. Her new friends had stayed over almost until sunset celebrating the fact that she was now officially a citizen of Ponyville. By the time she finally had some time alone, she was finding it too dark to read, and decided to watch the night sky from her deck for a bit before turning in. Sleep had been fast in coming, and for once had been uneventful, with no Nightmare Moon dream to creep her out.

Now, after a quick bath and a breakfast of most of the last of the food she had brought with her from Canterlot, Luna was once again on the deck of her house, just watching the rest of the village go about it's morning routine. After a few minutes, she decided to head into town and do some exploring. She had marked on the map where she and her friends all lived, and now she hoped to add some other important spots to her knowledge of the town. She went to empty her saddlebags so she could use them for shopping, and stopped when she saw the spell book fall out.

'That's right!' she thought as she picked up the book carefully and carried it to her table. 'I can't believe that I forgot to read up on just exactly what that spell did. I know the last day or two has been a whirlwind, but wow...' Luna found flipping through the book harder without her magic, but she was still able to find the right page without too much hassle.

Luna had just started to read when she heard a knock at her door. "Coming! One second please!" she called out as she closed the book and placed it back in her bags. She was still feeling a bit paranoid about others seeing the tome and wondering why an earth pony had a spell book. Opening the front door, she saw a pink earth pony mare with a fluffy magenta mane and a giant smile on her face. "Um, hello..." Luna started, but seeing the smile and eyes of the visiting pony getting larger froze her up.

"Hello! Are you Moonbeam?" the other pony asked excitedly. Seeing Luna nod slowly, the pink pony gave out a squeal of joy and then stepped back a couple of paces. Her demeanor becoming somewhat serious, she cleared her throat, and then started to sing while doing a little dance.

"Welcome, to Ponyville, the land of cake and sun
We hope you enjoy your stay here, and have a ton of fun!
To help you get things started off, on the right horseshoe
We're hosting a party tonight, one that's just for you!

A party for Moonbeam, it's gonna be a blast
A party for Moonbeam, the whole night it will last
So bring your friends and family, it's sure to be a sight
A party for Moonbeam, it's happening tonight!

It's being held at the library, hope you don't mind books
We would have done it elsewhere, but Twilight's such a kook!
It starting right at suppertime, food and drinks we'll provide
Just come down when you're ready, knock and come inside!

A party for Moonbeam, it's gonna be a blast
A party for Moonbeam, the whole night it will last
So bring your friends and family, it's sure to be a sight
A party for Moonbeam, it's happening tonight!
A party for Moonbeam, it hap-pen-ning to-niiiiight!"

By the end of the song, Luna was smiling as wide as the other pony was, and clapped her hooves together enthusiastically. "Wow! Well done! Thank you very much!"

"Thanks! My name is Pinkie Pie, by the way. I'm glad Twilight suggested that I sing the invitation, it sure worked out a lot better than my first idea of dressing up like a clown and giving you the invitation on a cupcake, because I would have probably eaten it then! The cupcake I mean, not the invitation. Hmm, maybe that's why Twilight gave me such a weird look when I suggested I do that. Oh well! Anyway, will you be able to make it? I hope you can, it would be weird to have a welcome party and have the pony it's for not show up, although I guess we could go out and search the town for you and then throw the party wherever you're at, but having it at the library will be much easier I think, don't you?"

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