26. The Test

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Tong helped Apo with his oxygen mask. Nolan laid against him, refusing to move away from his Papa. He was still in distress that Mile had caused. Nolan's father.

Apo was trying not to hyperventilate as Tong sat by him repeatedly saying something to him but he couldn't hear him.

Mile had just showed him he truly didn't matter to him anymore. Mile was going to give him to Nolan's father, Pain twisted in his gut and he quickly turned away from Tong and emptied the few constants in his stomach all over the floor. To his complete horror, as he dry heaved and Tong took Nolan from the bed, Apo saw it was blood he had thrown up.

His body shook violently and the many monitors connected to him started to beep urgently as Apo collapsed back on the bed. He saw a blur rush into the room and the smell of patchouli hit him. Doctor Win was there. His only thankful thought as he blacked out was that Mile would protect Nolan.


After the hospital fiasco, Mile had started sleeping in his office till Ping convinced him to stay at his place if he refused to go home. He hadn't been back in the house for almost a week.

Presently, he sat on Apo's bed in the upstairs bedroom. The scent of eucalyptus was there but faint. He felt crazy. Constantly fighting with himself. He wanted to believe Apo, wanted to be believe his Omega loved him and he was going to be a father. Yet all his life he was told that possibility wasn't possible, Apo had betrayed him and his heart hurt. He felt ripped apart, wounds exposed, and raw. Mile felt vulnerable. The Alpha didn't do vulnerable.

He suddenly stood when something shiny and blue caught his eye. He reached were the pillows were, pushing them aside and his heart crumbled. The Mating necklace. The sapphire and diamond necklace he had given Apo laid over the Omega's white laced collar with 'M.Phakphum' glaring back at him.

The Alpha felt crushed and sorrowful. Why couldn't he have been worthy? Why couldn't he have been a normal Alpha? A sudden wave of enraged frustration came over him and he roared. He reached for the closest thing to him and threw it against the wall. Mile stared at the shattered lamp, he felt lost, and needing the answer in black and white. He needed to know whose DNA was in the pup Apo was carrying. That tiny bit of hope he pushed in the back of his head kept gnawing at him. He desperately wanted that miracle.

Mile clasped the items against his heart as he laid down on the bed. Apo's eucalyptus scent wrapped around him like a cloak. His wolf whined, loud and long. The longing and pain filled cry consumed Mile as he buried his face into the blanket, soaking in his Omega's scent. He inhaled deeply and madly, rubbing himself into the sheet, drugging his senses as his logical mind became lost and gave way to his wolf.


Apo stayed quiet as Doctor Win examined him. He was comfortably sitting back on the bed, his shirt pulled up to show just his growing stomach as Win gently touched around the belly, asking him if he felt any pain or discomfort at all.

"No, just a little queasy," Apo replied. The Alpha pulled his gown down to cover his pup bump before he turned to grab his chart.

"Alright, I'll get you a ginger ice tea. It helped last time right?," Win asked, His accent strong this morning.

"Yes, thank you," Win smiled at him.

He was very grateful to Doctor Win. The Alpha was sweet yet professional on all counts. He made sure Apo had been nothing but comfortable along with making sure he had anything and everything he and Nolan needed.

"Ho!," Nolan cheered, his way of calling out to the doctor. Win rounded on the little pup and smiled.

"And how are we this morning Mr. Nolan?," The doctor asked. Amused at the pup standing and bouncing holding on to the crib's bars.

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