Chapter 3

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Who knew that Rurahelle would end up like this? I still can't believe it. Arienne is sitting on the bed being held by Lucia trying to settle her nerves. One night had already passed, yet Rurahelle's body was still there. We obviously couldn't get a wink of sleep, but most of all Rurahelle's death kept haunting me. I feel dizzy and nauseous. Arhen placed an arm on Arienne's. ''Arhen.'' Arinne says. ''You idiot, you may have covered my eyes, but look at you now.'' He says not happy. ''Hehehe.'' Arienne just smiles. Arhen pats her head. ''Get some sleep, I'll close the curtains.'' He says and Lucia stands up from the bed to look out the window. ''Okay.'' Lucia and Arhen go to close the curtains but see something down below. ''Arienne, Take a look at this.'' Arhen says and Arienne gets up from her bed to look. Outside ar knight plated with golden armour. Golden armour. They're the Imperial Knights! Gold is the colour of the Imperial family. There's no doubt that they personally sent those knights here. ''But why? Are they perhaps here to hold a funeral for Rurahelle?'' Arienne asks. No, those knight's just walked past her body. That means they have another objective.'' Lucia tells the twins.

''OPEN THE DOOR.'' The knights in golden armour march down the halls of the castle that many reide and head in, searching for they're prince and princess. 'Who informed the Imperial Palace about Rurahelle's death? One maid thought. They wanted to save their own skin. ''We're not going to die, Right?'' Another maid asks aloud but gets no answer. The twins sit in the picture frame as Lucia tried to deflect the knights best she could. ''Are you okay Arienne?'' Arhen asks through the bond. ''I think I'm going to the throw up.'' She responds. ''Where are the Prince and Princess?'' The head Knight asks.

 ''We don't know.'' One maid responds nervously. ''You don't even know where your masters are, you worthless maids?!'' He tells them and looks towards Lucia. ''Do you know  anything child?'' He asks her. ''I'm not saying anything.'' She says crossing her arms and everyone look taken aback your coming with us.'' He says and grabs Lucia's arm and drags her away. ''Oh no not Lucia. where are they taking her?'' Arienne asks. ''Hopefully somewhere safe but we can't be sure.'' Arhen says. ''Why are they looking for us?'' Arienne asks. ''Do you think they want to kill us?'' Arhen asks. That's right. Illegitimate children are a disgrace to the Empire. Now that Rurahelle is dead there's no reason for them to keep us alive. Arienne hugs herself tightly. To think we never got the Emperor's attention for five years but now for something like this. ''Let's go straight to the forest as soon as the sun sets. They'll never find us if we go up the tree we always climb.'' Arhen tells her. ''Alright.''

The moon is high in the sky as the twins dash towards the tree. ''Just hang on a little longer Arienne then we go look for Lucia.'' Okay.'' Arienne huffs out. Arhen looks around a tree to see a bunch of knights. ''Hide.'' ''No one over here!'' One knight says. ''Cut down the long grass with your swords.'' Another orders. Arhen looks out to see a knight holding Lucia by the arms questioning her. Arienne staggers and falls to her knees, leaning on Arhen for support. ''Arienne.'' Arhen says aloud. The knight's turn. ''What's that noise? Who's there?'' He says and points a sword at Arhen's throat. ''Leave them alone.'' Lucia yells when she sees them thinking their going to kill them. ''Your highnesses! What are you doing over there?'' The knight asks and Lucia looks confused. ''We found them.'' The head knight says. ''What're you doing? help her up!'' Someone orders. ''Yes sir.'' A man helps Arienne stand as Lucia watches carefully. Aren't they planning to kill us? What are they.. A man steps forward with a big red cape making Lucia smile. Who is it now? Blonde hair?? ''Your majesty.'' The knight says and bows on one knee. Did he just say your majesty? The twins look very confused. They look up and see the blonde haired man known as their father. ''Bring the.'' He says. ''Understood Sire!'' What is happen..

Arienne suddenly collapses making Lucia and Arhen gasp. ''Arienne.'' Arhen gasps. The Emporer steps forward to pick her up as Lucia gets out of the knights grip and Arhen runs to her. She drops to her knees and hugs him tightly. ''Are you alright? Are you hurt?'' She asks him holding his face and checking for injuries. They watch his majesty hand Arienne to someone as they rush off towards the Palace. Arhen hugs Lucia again and holds her tightly. ''It's going to be okay.'' She whispers to him as the Emperor stands in front of them. ''Lucia Van Guerin.'' He says and Lucia stands. ''We meet again Your Majesty.'' She smiles and Arhen holds onto her skirt confused. ''Thank you for taking care of the children for me.'' He thanks shaking her hand and Lucia looks down to Arhen and picks him up knowing he's tired. ''It was an honour.''  They all walk back up to the Palace and go to where Arienne is being checked over by the palace doctor. Lucia dabs a wet cloth on her forehead trying to cool her fever as Arhen holds her hand worried. ''Arhen, Arhen.'' She says. ''I'm right here.'' He says and she goes back to sleep. The Emperor watches with the smallest of smiles on his face. 

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