Chapter 6

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Bold and italics and underlined - Emperor's Thoughts

Those scars are from the broken glass that the  servants threw at Arhen when he was just three. Because nobody took care of us, and Lucia couldn't get supplies, we could only rely on our own  healing powers. We can now quickly heal small wounds, but back then, our powers were weak and Lucia was too young to know what to do, Arhen had a fever from the wounds for several days. He's acting as if he doesn't know what we went through all he says is ''what happened there?'' I feel sick to my stomach and dizzy again. I have to protect Arhen. But if I irritate the Emperor right now...

Arienne , I'm fine

Arhen places his arm on Arienne's while still holding onto Lucia. 

Calm down


The Emperor places down his cup loudly making the three children face him. ''Was that Rurahelle's doing?'' He asks eerily. The twins jolt and Arhen grabs Lucia tighter and Arienne grabs hold of Lucia also. The Emperor watches his two youngest clutch to the person who they can basically call their mother. He's scary. They're the same green eyes I saw last night. A menacing aura is coiling around him. Just why did he drag us here? And why would do we have to put up with this kind of treatment? 

''This wound was an accident.'' Arhen says and pulls down his sleeve but Arienne grabs his wrist. ''Please don't look.'' Arienne tells the Emperor and Arhen looks shocked but Lucia just sighs. ''Arienne.'' She tries to calm the girl. These wounds, I didn't want anyone to see them. I'm afraid they'll see the pain engraved in our hearts. If they see our wounded bodies, all of us. Especially you. You're the last person I wanted to see them. He brought us into this world and left ys to be neglected in that hell. Someone like you doesn't have the right to see our wounds! 

''Don't ask us about something like that. Y-you've no idea how much Arhen how much we...'' Arienne staggers and is about to faint when Lucia catches her. The Emperor stands quickly and takes Arienne from Lucia. 

Illegitimate children are nothing but a weakness to an Emperor. ''Take you children'' ''They're your own flesh and blood.'' For that reason I couldn't allow Rurahelle and her children to live in the Imperial Palace. Because they would definitely become a huge weakness to me. Rurahelle. The woman who couldn't hide her greediness. I had no intention of letting her illegitimate children live. Especially because of her 'secret'.  However, I couldn't kill them. They were babies with the Imperial Family's blonde hair...My blonde hair. They were so small, ad so fragile. ''Your names will be Arienne and Arhen.'' The Emperor says. If I couldn't kill them, my best option was to hide the existence of my children forever. Due to a certain 'agreement' Rurahelle took the children and holed herself up in an old castle. When I was told that the youngest of the Van Guerin children were seen with the children in the village I knew there was someone taking care of them at least. Then five years later, I was informed about Rurahelle's sudden death. That is how I got to meet my children who had just turned five years old. Their small bodies looked like they would break if I didn't treat them gently and so I couldn't help but question myself.. Did I...Did I make the right choice.

The Emperor placed Arienne on the bed as Lucia got Isina to change the children for bed while Emperor talks to her. She walks behind him with grace as if never forgetting her royal manners towards his office. When they enter the Emperor sits at his desk while Lucia sets herself on one of the couches and the servants stand outside the door. ''I'm aware that you've taking care of the twins since they arrived at old castle with Rurahelle. Yes?'' The Emperor asks. ''I think you already know seeing as you were there the day she took me with her.'' Lucia says and looks directly at the Emperor. His eyes widened a bit. ''I saw you in the square with your green eyes through your cloak when you looked to me. I also know you're the man who helped me on the streets for year until Rurahelle picked me up.'' She states and his jaw drops slightly. ''How do you know this?'' He asks calming down. ''Funny your son asked me the exact same thing when we first met. He's strong for his age. His powers are growing.'' She states and the Emperor nods. ''I was hoping you and the crown prince could guide him gently in the right direction with his powers growing so quickly. Also the twins haven't gone through manifestation yet have they?'' He asks. ''Not yet but I sense it happening soon so do not worry.'' She says and looks back at him. ''This isn't why you called me here though is it?'' She ask and the Emperor stands with a sigh. 

''No it's not. Years ago I knew your father very well..''He says and sits beside her. ''He knew his family and home were being targeted by someone made me promise that'd I'd take in his daughter when the time came. Of course the time came and when I went to find you I couldn't not until I found you in the streets that first time we met. I wasn't able to take you in as it was around the time of the second princes birth. After Rurahelle took you I couldn't keep you safe but hoped she would or at least her maids. But after seeing the twins hands I want to know if she hurt you as well?'' He asks and she sits back with a sigh. ''I tried protecting them. I really did. From the moment I entered the house Rurahelle always had something against me. I was able to protect them until they turned three that's when she started hitting them and throwing things at them.'' Lucia says as she sniffles. ''The maids eventually turned against all of us and threw glass or anything else they could find at us. My body is destroyed and I hate it so much because it'll never go away. The twins' scars will go away once they go through manifestation but mine will never fade. And not just the physical scars but the ones in my heart will always be there as well.'' She cries and the Emperor wraps his arms around her making her freeze. ''Everything will fall into place eventually we just have to wait.'' He says and she ends up crying into his shoulder. 

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