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Basically if people don't understand, Yami has figured out that Yugi has multiple personality disorder. The next part will be another personality that he has. So, including Yugi's own, he will have four thoughts inside of his head.

Poor baby.

Note: The name of this chapter is pronounced "you-beh".



I had awoken earlier than I expected. Yugi (or Yuu, I hoped it was Yugi though) was still asleep, and I had spent the majority of my free time arguing with myself.

Or rather, the voice in my head.

I had planned on patiently waiting for Yugi - biding my time by just watching plain old T.V shows. However, the being inside of me decided to talk just as I was making tea to try and attempt those normal, every day thing.

So, Yami~ His voice made me shiver, What are you going to do with him?

Nothing that would harm him. Does anything really need to be done? He's my partner - he's fine the way he is.

Are you sure? I could hear the smirk in his voice, You and I both know how apparent your doubts are.

I scoffed mentally, ignoring the ding of the kettle as the water was boiled. Doubts? I frowned, Of course I have them. That doesn't mean he should change.

It was my turn to hear him scoff.

You're lying to yourself! I shook my head, but he kept going. I also thought I saw something purple, forming in a shape of the human out of the corner of my eye. I paid no heed and continued to listen to the voice.

Yugi will never be the same, and neither will you. You're both broken, and no amount of drugs or therapy will ever fix you both. You are both pathetic and deserve what's happening to you!

My head immediately turned to the side. I could see him. I could see him. The voice in my head a physical form; he could touch me.

He could touch Yugi, if he got the chance.

His face was as black as the night, and his eyes, pure crimson orbs, pierced into mine. He was completely like me, and the only difference was his shadow-like form and darkened skin.

He was real.

I didn't know what to do. Was he a figment of my imagination? Was I just seeing things? No matter how many times I blinked, he was still there, very much alive and deadly.

"You!" I spat, "You're...!"

"I am you..." His voice was more chaotic than in my head, "That's it."

"No!" I argued, forgetting my volume, and forgetting who exactly was in front of me, "You're not me! You are not my creation! I didn't ma-"

"Yami, Yami, Yami..." He tutted, tilting his head to the side and his eyes widening in amusement, "You don't get it. I...am you. Escaping from me is impossible. And...Yugi...Or should I say Yube...is coming."

"Yube...?" I echoed, and suddenly hearing footsteps from the door that lead to the hallway. When it opened, there stood Yugi. But he was different.

His eyes seemed more alert, and his posture was straight up like a statue, as if he was some important high commander, or a king.

And that was the first time that Yugi alone struck fear into me. Heart battering, eye widening fear.

"Y-Yugi..." I instantly turned to the shadow, "You! What did you do to him?!"

The shadow stayed quiet, smirking when it was Yugi that spoke, "Yami! Keep it down," He growled, "I'm not in a good mood and you're not keeping quiet! I'll get a headache!"


"My name's Yube. Stay quiet. Great, now I'm awake, I wanted to sleep!"

His voice was unbearable to listen to. The usual, soft, gentle and caring voice was now broken, angry, and menacing. I could do nothing but accept it.

It was hard.

The shadow eventually spoke up, "Ah, yes. Yube. The superior type."

"Excuse me?"

"He ignored me," The shadow went on, "and targeted you. You made the most noise, so he was mad at just you. If you displease him, he'll leave."

"Why is he still ignoring you?"

"Because he's still mad at you. And he doesn't know me. He only gets mad at those he knows well."

I wanted to ask so many more questions, but this so-called 'Yube' was glaring directly into me. I stayed silent as he went to get cereal, and I saw he still had Yugi's habits.

I smiled. Yugi always ate the same cereal, and then added different amounts of sugar every day to keep him awake, depending on how awake he was that morning. He did the exact same thing. My smile grew wider.

Yugi doesn't like coffee, either. But, Yube; he did. I frowned. Yube would take his time pouring coffee. I then realised that this was not Yugi, even though their habits are similar - they are not the same voice.

I sighed with depression. In doing so, I didn't notice that the shadow had edged closer to Yube. Closer. And closer.

When I did realise I grabbed his arm. The shadow stared at me.

"This is not Yugi." He stated. "Why are you protective?"

"He is in Yugi's body. I want Yugi to stay like Yugi. What are you trying to do?"

A small 'hmph' was given, "I want to feel him. Maybe he would be a better vessel than you... If I can just touch..."

"No!" I snapped. Yube paid no heed to us and merely ignored everything apart from the coffee he was drinking. "No! Stay with me. It's the only thing I ask of you."


"Yugi's got enough to deal with. Leave him alone. Leave his body alone and stay in mine."

I heard a snort before I could no longer feel the shadow's body. I could no longer feel his presence. I assumed he was gone.

I slowly went over to Yube. He had seemed to calm down considerably, and I had to admit, he /was/ kind of cute when angry.

I managed to stay silent during the morning. Despite wanting to talk to Yube and ask questions, I thought it would be best not to.

Until, that is, Yube started talking.

"So?" Yube glared at me, "Who was the purple guy?"


"Where'd he go?!"

"Yube. Listen to me!" I frowned and Yube quietened considerably, "He just went out the door. He was...nobody."

"Why was he purple?"

"...I don't know." I muttered.

Yube frowned and huffed. I suppose the quiet approach with him doesn't work well. Nor does the loud approach.

However, the stern approach...

"Yube," I said in a moderate, demanding tone. He looked at me, "I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep."

"I guess you know better now so I'll forgive you." He seemed to be on equal grounds with me. I smirked.

This would be a fun day.

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