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By that time, I had already been lost into my own vortex of over-protectiveness. I had absolutely no idea what I would do next, and to be honest, the real me was scared of going outside, in case it got gory.

I had murdered somebody, and yet, I acted as if none of it had happened. Yugi was none the wiser, and that night, I hardly slept. I remember it vividly, the images in my mind of what could happen if Yugi left me. That was the only thing on my mind, driving me on keeping Yugi mine.

If it were up to me, I would have done one thing already to make him know he belonged to me, and no-one else. But it wasn’t up to only me, it was up to the both of us, and I didn’t want to do anything to him that might disturb our relationship further.

To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about what would happen if he found out I killed a human being. But at the time, I was too careful. He would never find out. Apart from in the news in the morning, that is.

It was around eight o’clock, and we were both sitting on the couch. Yugi was innocently watching the news, and then that message popped up, about how a young girl was murdered in her apartment, and they were still looking for the killer.

Yugi turned to me, “That’s really close in our area...”

I nodded, playing it cool and acting as scared as he was, “I’m sure we’ll be fine, Yugi.”

“What makes you so sure?” He huffed.

“I just have a hunch...” I smiled at him, giving my best reassuring smile, despite already knowing that Yugi would be perfectly fine.

Me, on the other hand, I wasn’t sure.

I could be caught at any moment, but I knew I had left Akira’s house without any trace of me being there. It would be sheer impossible to find anything that indicated I was the murderer, and to be honest, that was only what I believed.

It seemed I had calmed Yugi down, as he gave me a small nod and turned the channel over quickly. He probably didn’t want to stay on the news for too long, and no doubt he would pay his respects later. I would be tagging along, though – I don’t think he’d want to go alone.

Yugi had turned the channel over to some comedy show. I wasn’t a fan of the person actually doing the comedy, but Yugi seemed to enjoy it, and I was up for whatever made him happy.

I held him close, keeping him in a warm embrace. He seemed to like this, so I made sure we stayed like that for a long time. In fact, it even lulled him to sleep (it was either that or it was too early in the morning for him to be awake).

I couldn’t move after that, so I gently took the remote from him and turned it back over to the news. I had to hear the report.

“Come on...” I murmured, waiting for the same news to be heard. I smiled when the reporter finally spoke.

Last night, a girl by the name of Akira Toyoma was murdered in her apartment. Police are still investigating the scene and hope to find the killer soon. Her family mourns and her friends are still grieving. We hope that the killer reveals themselves or someone finds them. We have no evidence of whether this was suicide, but it would be a tragic case if it were – we hope it doesn’t come to that.

As sad as it was...I smiled. I was happy that they would easily cast off her death as suicide...because then they wouldn’t find me. They wouldn’t understand the real truth of how Akira Toyoma died.

My smile was still present on my face as I turned the television off, thinking of what to do next.

Yami, you need to stop.

Yandere Boyfriend (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now