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It was around five minutes before Yugi reacted. His eyes had gone to the size of saucers, and I was practically shaking inside out. He was going to leave me. He was going to leave me. He was going to leave me...!

"'re telling me...there's this voice in your head...that does things to your body?"

"...It controls me, Yugi..." I murmured, looking down and hoping against hope that he believed me, "...I didn't want to kill those was for you,"

That he wouldn't leave me.

I slowly felt a shift in the movement of the covers, and my mind instantly jumped to the conclusion of Yugi leaving the room. But, to my surprise, he just hugged me.

He didn't leave me. He didn'

I felt his grip tighten on me, and I felt him sigh deeply into my chest.

"Yami..." He murmured, "I...I didn't expect...someone like kill those put Téa in Hospital..."

"I thought...Téa was dead...?"

"No, Yami...she's alive..."Yugi looked up at me, "You only killed one person."

"One...person..." I chuckled half-heartedly, "...It's still a crime..."

"I know, Yami...but...we can cover it up...whatever that voice seemed to cover up the crime pretty well, and they passed it off as suicide." Yugi murmured.

"Why do you understand me...?" I looked down at him, "Why are you taking this normally...? Why haven't you left...?"

Yugi looked up at me, letting out a small smile. "Because I love you, silly."

"You must be a maniac to still be here after I mercilessly murdered someone..."

Yugi just giggled slightly, "Heh...I guess so..."

I just sighed. I was so worried over nothing, then.

Yami...he's lying to you...he didn't explain the real reason why he hasn't left yet...

I gasped lightly.

What the hell would you know? I growled.

I know everything. You know nothing about him.

What could I not know about Yugi? We know everything about each fact, what do you know about Yugi?!

Like I said before...I know everything, Yami. And you...know nothing.

Please just go away...please...

I can't.


Because I am a part of your conscience.

I groaned quietly, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in my head. Yugi slowly let go of me and shuffled off of the bed, looking around the chest of drawers. I don't know what he was looking for.

"Yami...look here for a minute..."

I looked up at him and my eyes widened. Yugi was holding a blunt object in his hand...I couldn't tell what it was.

"I'm sorry."

He hit me over the head with it.

~Dream World~

I stumbled backwards, hitting my head off of some wall. I don't remember being here.

Looking around, I could only see a faint light amongst a dark background. I followed my instinct, which was telling me to go towards the light; cease it.

Yandere Boyfriend (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now