A Day with Royalty - Part 1

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As I was led down a flight of steps by one of the royal guards, I couldn't help but wonder where and how this amazing city managed to source such quality luxury elements and materials which majorly contributed to their immense level of economic prosperity, posh living standards, and technological feats. Always a source behind it all...

"Whoa," Zipp whistled as I entered the grand dining hall in my Turkish kurta, blue embroidered vest, and polka-dot scarf. "You look real divine."

I nodded and waved. "Thanks, Your Maje –"

"Just call me Zipp," she cut in bashfully.

"Your compliments are appreciated, Zipp," I reiterated, pulling up a chair.

Haven's chefs had served a welcoming lunch – fruit salad, toasted seeds, and fresh fluffy bread with an oily lentil and potato puree.

"Help yourself, Aiden," she said, gesturing to the bread. I took a roll, ripped it in two, and dipped it in a bowl of the puree, gently swirling it to blend the oil nicely. One bite into the saturated tip was all it took to agree wholeheartedly; Zephyr Heights chefs were second to none. Within minutes I'd devoured the whole roll.

"This is delicious!" I complimented, courteously wiping my lips with a serviette and smiling gratefully at Haven. "Reminds me of a cuisine I enjoyed at a gathering. Say, what's the origin of it, if you don't mind?"

"It's a relatively new recipe," Pipp said proudly, having finally put her phone away. "I asked the chefs a few days back, and apparently it comes from a long lineage of a tan-colored alicorn who used to live amongst our ancestors."

My eyebrows perked up. So Pipp did hold a sense of historical connection. "Were they miners?"

She shrugged awkwardly with a sideways glance. It was so cute it was almost painful on my body. "Can't really say. It was mentioned that the alicorn was the descendant of a unicorn family who used to farm close to the mountains."

"Interesting." Now my Equestrian historical quest had thickened a little. I wanted to expand on it with Pipp, but the aromas wafting up into our nostrils was too much to bear. I handed her a roll, taking care to maintain a grandeur of formal etiquette as I ate up, my body eagerly absorbing all the calories it could to rejuvenate its energy supplies. Not a single platter in front of me was empty after we'd all finished eating.

I turned to thank Haven, who slid back her chair and stood up.

"Girls, you may spend time with our dear guest, Mr. Aiden, as our royal schedules permit." She turned to me and for a moment, our eyes locked. "You may begin your quest at anytime, though tomorrow is ideal, given I will be holding a meeting to discuss the mining companies' mid-year reports."

"It would be a good opportunity to gain connections and score an invitation," Pipp quickly added, and I nodded affirmingly. She was growing on me fast, and I had a tough time not staring every time she trotted away or flapped her wings. My mental note flashed in my head, and as soon as the royal sisters were out of earshot, I approached Haven.

"Um, your Majesty?"

Queen Haven walked right up to me with a tender look in her eyes. "Yes, my dear guest, Aiden? Is there something I can provide for you?"

"Yes," I piped up, intending to cut to the chase, only to have my words lodge up in my throat like a bushel of tumbling marbles. "Um, I... yes, I request permission for Pipp."

"For what?"

"To..." I began, biting my lip before awkwardly grabbing a plate off the table and holding it up in my arms, close to my chest. "H-hold. To hold her. If she wants."

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