Second Flag - Don't Get Close to the Main Cast

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"That's it... There you go, take it easy..."

Felix's gradual return to consciousness wasn't a pleasant one, his head pounding and his body heavy and aching all over. He groaned softly as he managed to force his eyes open, a faint light streaming in from a nearby window, but faint enough that it wouldn't blind him. A hand on his forehead startled him, another pained groan escaping him as all of his muscles tensed up, and whoever was next to him shushed him softly. Felix exhaled shakily as something damp and cold suddenly pressed against his temple, alleviating a bit of the pain.

Relaxing a bit, he glanced over at the person beside him. It was a young man dressed in a white hanbok – some sort of uniform, it seemed. He smiled when their eyes met, removing the cloth he was using to plunge it into a bowl of water before pressing it to Felix's temple again.

"Hello," the young man greeted gently. "I am Jeongin, the Court Physician. You needn't worry – you are safe, here, and no harm will come to you under my care."

"... Aren't I supposed to- to be dead?" croaked out Felix, his voice hoarse and scratching his throat.

Jeongin hummed. "You almost were. His Highness returned to the palace a few days ago in a panic, immediately bringing you to me. Your injury was severe, and it would have definitely been too late had it been one more day – but, as it is, I've managed to save you, and you will make a full recovery."

"But I... the arrow..."

Confused, Felix pushed himself into a sitting position, Jeongin helping him so he wouldn't strain himself. He hissed a bit at the pain in his abdomen, finally looking down at himself. He wasn't wearing a shirt, his lower torso covered in thick, white bandages. He distinctly remembered an actual arrow sticking out of him...

"It didn't hit anything vital. The most worrying was the blood loss and the potential infection, but His Highness brought you back in the nick of time."

"W- wait... He told me that we were three- three days away from the nearest city..." Felix brought a hand to his head, feeling a bit faint. What the hell was happening?

"He found the horse of one of the assassins and returned as quickly as possible. The horse died from exhaustion, and the Prince himself collapsed as soon as you were placed under my care – he made the journey back in a little over a day."

Felix didn't understand anything. It was too much to process, really. He'd found a Prince, fought assassins, killed some of them, and almost died in the process. And now he was awake again, apparently in a palace of all things, and he wasn't quite sure if waking up was such good news, after all.

What the hell is happening to me...?

Jeongin's expression softened a bit upon noticing his troubled face. "Like I said, you needn't worry. From what we were told, His Highness owed you a life debt – it's only natural he'd repay it. For as long as you remain here, you will be treated as an esteemed guest, and you can rest assured that the King will compensate you properly—"

"Please, just- just stop," choked out Felix, lowering his head as he closed his eyes. "I- I can't. Not now. Please, just... leave me alone, for a bit."

Jeongin simply nodded again, pulling out a small vial from one of the big pockets on his apron. He placed it on the small table next to the low bed Felix was sitting on, offering him a sympathizing smile.

"You should rest. Please take one of these pills before laying down again – it will help relax your body and allow you to sleep comfortably."

Felix didn't say a word, and Jeongin bowed before heading out. The freckled man heaved out a shaky sigh as he hugged himself, feeling incredibly cold despite the warm sunlight filling the room. He was torn between the urge to laugh and the need to cry, incapable of coming to terms with everything that was happening.

How To Avoid Doom Flags? : A Guide By Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now