Eleventh Flag - Don't Get Taken As A Hostage

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For the first time since Felix began his presentation, he woke up well-rested, with his body barely aching at all. He no longer felt overwhelmed by his heightened emotions and senses alike, simply content to bask in the warmth cocooning him and the soothing scent akin to cinnamon.

The arms wrapped around him tightened the slightest bit, making him sigh happily as he let himself relax even more—

Wait, arms!?

Felix's eyes snapped open. He was sleeping with someone, practically lying on them, and though his instincts screamed at him not to pull away, he wasn't exactly comfortable knowing he was sharing his bed with an unknown person. Just as he tried to push himself up, however, the arms around him tightened a little bit more, and the body underneath him shifted.

"Don't get up just yet..."




Felix halted his attempts to pull away, instead tilting his head back just enough to finally catch a glimpse of the man's face – and sure enough, it was none other than the Prince. When he'd snuck into his bed, Felix couldn't tell, but he was at least reassured to know it was him and not someone else.

That is, until he remembered a particular detail.

"Get off," he huffed, forcibly pulling himself away and shoving Hyunjin with as much force as he could gather. "Yah, Hyunjin! Wake up!"

"Ugh, what's all the noise for...?" groaned Hyunjin, barely even moving despite Felix pushing him with all of his strength. "Felix—"

"Get off! I'm still mad at you!"

"Come on, don't be like that," whined the Prince, entrapping him in his arms again and pulling him to lay down. "I haven't seen you in weeks because Minho is overprotective and wouldn't let any Alpha come near you. I missed you..."

Frankly, Felix wasn't angry anymore. If anything, he now felt mildly embarrassed about his outburst. The Prince's nonchalant attitude, completely disregarding their previous conflict, did annoy him a bit – but his words softened Felix's heart, and with a defeated sigh, he stopped trying to pull away.

"... I'm sorry, Felix," finally said Hyunjin, hugging him tightly. "Not only for what I said about your background, but also for how... uncaring, I was, of the situation. I immediately went on the defensive when I should have tried to understand what you were actually telling me—"

"I'm the one who worded things poorly," cut off Felix, shame now gnawing at his guts. "And I- I had no right to hold you responsible for things clearly out of your control. To be honest, I don't even know why I reacted so strongly. I felt overwhelmed and then the words started spilling out before I could stop them..."

"Your mind was already vulnerable because of the beginning of your presentation," reasoned Hyunjin. "It heightened your emotions and made you feel much more strongly about the whole situation. And with how I kept on trying to shift the blame, I certainly didn't help deescalate the situation."


"I sought advice from Jisung. I didn't understand why you were mad at me, but he offered wise advice. I understand better, now, and though I doubt I'll ever fully grasp the entire depth of your feelings regarding this situation, I should have known better than to dismiss them so callously. What you said that day... You were right. I do have the power to make a change, but I simply couldn't be bothered to do anything with it. I can blame my blind admiration for my brother, my naïve trust in our government, my personal dislike of politics, my fear of involvement... but in the end, nothing can excuse my negligence as the Second Prince of Silla."

How To Avoid Doom Flags? : A Guide By Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now