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So I've had this idea rattiling in my head for a while and I'm gonna expand it into a fic if people want.
A couple of things before starting
1 - Mephone will probably say things like "viewer voting" or something along those lines. No, that does NOT mean you're voting. I'm taking the cannon elimination order of season two and swapping in around.

2 - in season 2, there's 24 contestants and 20 are eliminated. 1 person will have the same elimination number. I don't care, so don't point it out in the comments.

3 - just because the order is swapped, doesn't mean the roles are. I'll choose who I see fit to take places in important roles in the show.

4 - don't say stuff of OOC, with some characters we know so little that I can't help but be OOC, and with some they changed over the season.

5 - I may not write this if nobody reads it, so if people like this concept let me know and I'll flesh out some chapters.

6 - don't be a dick, im a human and go to school.

7 - dough is a weird case?? He's not v/ important, so I might just erase him bc of fans early elimination (and fans being the one to bring him up). I might also bring him in. Idk yet. Sorry to all 4 of the dough fans.

Be well, and have fun y'all! Lemme know if I should write this story! If I end up not using this concept, please ask before you do!

Update: chapter 1 will be written soon, so stay tuned!

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