Meetings(Chapter Three)

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Nolan stood in front of the town thrones. The princes and princess stood in a line across from him. They bowed to each other before Nolan's mother clapped her hands once. "Now that you all are here. We can get started." She pointed to the line of princes and princesses. "When you go to speak with my son you'll go into that room." Her finger moved from them to the dining hall. "My son isn't exactly keen on getting married, so don't push it." She walked forward as her hand went back to her side. She stopped a few inches in front of Nolan. Her eyes dragged across the others. "Princess Dark, will you please go to the dining room?" Princess Dark nodded and walked away. Nolan followed her into the room.

They sat down across from each other. "Um.. I'm more into guys, but we could be friends?" Nolan looked down in case she didn't support or she was crazy.

She just giggled in response, which left Nolan confused. "I like girls." She whispered. "Honestly if you don't like anyone else we could get married and make up a fake story to get divorced. Then we could marry who we wanted."

Nolan laughed as he started to smile. "That's not a bad idea. But I guess we're kind of done here then." She nodded and stood up before bowing. Soon enough she walked out.

Princess flower walked in and sat down. "Listen, it has to be a no. I'm not ready to get married and I already have someone in mind. I just have to wait until I'm old enough to make the decision." Princess Flower blurted out right away. Nolan nodded signaling that she can leave.

Prince Cloud walked in almost right after she left. He sat down and stared Nolan right in the eyes. "Listen, I'm not here for any funny business. I don't want to marry you. Don't take any offense to that please."

Nolan sighed. "I won't. I get it though. You already have someone in mind." Prince Cloud shook his head.

He stood up and walked towards the door. Before he opened it he said something. "I wanna break one rule and be a king without another queen or king." Then he walked out. Nolan sat there waiting for the next person.

Finally Princess Shadow walked in and sat down. "I really wouldn't mind marrying you and I don't have my eyes set on anyone. But I can't. I want to be free. I sincerely apologize."

Nolan smiled. "It's good that you're strong enough to say how you feel. You can't exactly run away from being a queen or princess though. In the future I hope our kingdoms can be allies." She smiled and nodded her head before standing up and bowing. She left without another word.

The last person. Prince Breath walked in and sat down across from Nolan. "You're not good enough. You're not worthy. I don't want to be here, got that? If you choose me I will slit your throat while you sleep." He stood up and walked out before Nolan could even reply. Nolan was in shock from the words. He slammed his head on the table as his mother walked in.

She sat down next to him and put her hand on his back to comfort him. "I listened to all the conversations. You still have three months. It's only November. You... You don't have to get married, but it would be easier to rule a kingdom with someone else. I want you to be happy." Nolan looked at his mother.

He sat up and looked back at his feet. "My first priority right now is making peace with the Cold Wind kingdom." His mother stayed silent as she stood up.

She turned towards the door. "I'm sure you found out how. 1/8/54. In two months." She walked out of the hall leaving Nolan with his thoughts and her words. He stood in confusion. Until his body just moved on its own. He just walked slowly to his room and laid down. His eyes fell; making him drift off to sleep.







709 words including this.

Another small chapter I know. I just haven't been in that writing mood and school and my family is stressing me out. I love you my Bats!🦇💕

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