Chapter 5

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A/n: thanks to gukfhgg for being the only one who commented, so Grace and Delia will be in Alola. Bolded speech is telepathy.

We now join them the next day, when the the first match is about to begin.

Ash is currently sitting in the waiting room, his head slightly lowered, deep in thought. Pikachu, Gardevior, Lucario and Greninja stood before their trainer, their master and their bestest friend.

"It's finally time buddy, after 3 whole years, it's time for Ash Ketchum to return." Ash said to his longest companion.

"It sure is." Pikachu replies.

"Master, would you please permit Gardevior and I to join you in the trainer box?" Lucario asked, wanting to be next to his master when he reveals himself.

"Of course you can. I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Will Champion Red make his way to the tunnel." A league's official's voice sounded through the speaker in the room.

"Alright, let's show the world who's back!" Ash yelled, looking at his four faithful pokemon, a look of determination on his face.

"Right!" They all replied in unison. Greninja returned to his usual place, residing in Ash's shadow, while Pikachu took his usual spot on his shoulder. Lucario and Gardevior waited for Ash to step out before following closely behind.

*In the stadium*

"Welcome everyone to the first day of the World Master's tournament! It is only our first match of the tournament and yet we already have an exciting matchup! Are y'all ready?" The announcer yelled as the crowd cheered louder than they already did. "Now let us introduce the trainers. From my left, hailing all the way from the Unova region, the current Opelucid gym leader, Dragon Master Iris!" The Unovans in the crowd roared in excited as Iris made her entrance, waving to the crowd.

"And now from my right. This is a trainer who goes by many names, the undefeated trainer, the Alolan Champion, but his most known one being the Silver Emperor. However, he has one more name that many of you might remember from 3 years ago. Let us welcome ASH KETCHUM!" The announced roared into the microphone.

The whole stadium was silent as the supposedly dead trainer entered the field, with Pikachu perched on his shoulder. Once they realised Red was actually Ash Ketchum, the crowd roared in excitement, many remembering the young boy who made many unpredictable moves and tactics. The traitors eye popped. Who knew that the boy they thought to be weak would become one of if not the strongest trainer in the world. Gary and the others were cheering the loudest, happy to finally see their friend again.

*Aether Paradise, Alola*

Lusamine, Mohn, Prof. Burnet, Prof. Kukui, Lei, Delia and Grace were sitting in Lusamine's office, watching the WMT since the Gladion and Kiawe were participating.

A month after Ash, Serena and Lillie disappeared, Delia called Grace and Lusamine to inform them about what happened. Prof. Kukui, who was worried for Delia and Grace's safety, suggested that they moved to Alola to avoid the traitors, which the two accepted.

Over the years, the 6 of them have gotten pretty close, sharing stories of the adventures of Ash with his companions. The two professor's child, Lei, who is now 3, looks up to Ash as his idol and awesome older brother.

"...Let us welcome ASH KETCHUM!" Everyone immediately turned towards the screen, their eyes fixed on the boy walking onto the field. Tears of joy made their way onto everyone's face, happy to see Ash again. Grace, Lusamine and Mohn were happy too, since Ash returning meant their daughters were most likely with him. Lusamine immediately whipped out her phone to make a call while Delia edged closer to the television.

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