10. time.

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monica had woken up the next morning with an extreme feeling of guilt, making her feel almost sick to her stomach. she knew olivia hadn't told the group about what had gone on between them, from their kiss to hers and richards. but why she hadn't she had no idea. if she was her, she would have. deciding she needed to just face the music she got ready for the day, before heading over to olivia's apartment.

arriving outside the unfamiliar apartment compared to the two she spent most her time, she knocked the door. taking a deep breathe at the same time the door opened. a tired, bloodshot eyed olivia opened the door, and her face turned to shock as she saw who was there. "monica?" she said almost inaudible. "i'm sorry, did i wake you? i can come back another time." she said regretting coming already and olivia almost instantly shook her head, moving aside to let her in. "no, please. come in." the younger bing said as the girl walked inside her apartment. both girls walked over to the couch and took a seat, sitting in awkward silence for a couple minutes. "i'm sorry." they both said at the same time, causing a light smile on both their faces.

"liv, honestly. you have nothing to be sorry for. it's me that should be apologising profoundly." monica said sighing. "i don't regret kissing you. but i also don't regret kissing richard. i do however wish you didn't see." she whispered towards the end. olivia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, and crossed her legs on the couch turning to face monica. "i'm confused. you're going to have to keep explaining." she said tilting her head a little. when olivia looked up at monica she was chewing on her bottom. "hey, mon. don't do that." olivia said softly and automatically lifted her thumb to pull the girls lip out gently from between her teeth. monica pulled back in shock as her cheeks tinted pink. "i'm so sorry, i don't know why i did that. i wasn't even thinking it just happened." the younger bing stuttered out not wanting to stop monica from explaining or frighten her off. a small smile made it's way to monica's face and olivia couldn't help match it. "liv, you're okay. stop panicking. i'm not going to bite your head off." she said softly moving closer to the girl slightly to rest her hand on her knee.

monica looked down at her lap slightly before the girl's chest rose and sunk as she took a deep breath looking back up at olivia. "i like you." she said before scrunching her face up, almost in fear of the response. the words shocked olivia into silence, causing monica to panic more. "what? really? you do? i. i like you too, mon. a lot." she said back in a rush realising she hasnt answered. the response caused a breath of relief to fall from the younger geller's lips. "there's a but though, isn't there?" olivia said softly. "you kissed richard so there has to be." she nodded and grabbed olivia's hands.

"when we kissed i realised i liked you. in more than just a 'oh she's pretty' way. but in a, i have deep feelings for this girl. and it terrified me. i'd never felt like this about anyone really, not this fast. and never had it been another girl." monica started as olivia gently rubbed her thumbs against the back of the girl's hands, comfortingly. "so i panicked. i pushed you away, physically and more. and i'm really sorry for that. i just, i needed to figure my head out. the kiss you saw with richard was me trying to do that. i don't know. i wanted to see if i got the same electricity and feeling in my stomach that i got from you and i." she said shrugging. olivia tilted her head "did you?" she asked almost silently. "no, i didn't. but it did make me realise i'm not completely over him. and i don't want to hurt you." hearing monica wasn't completely over richard did cause a little pain for olivia but she should've expected it. they had only ended because of disagreements for the future, nothing really else. "i do want something with you though" monica added, sensing the sadness radiating from the girl sat in front of her as the rubbing from her thumbs came to a halt. "you just need time?" olivia said softly questioningly. monica nodded slightly. "just to make sure i don't hurt you. and to make sure i'm completely over him. but i like you olivia. so much. you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen and while i wasn't spending time with you all i wanted was to do so, and get an olivia hug. and to be honest, kiss you again." this caused olivia's cheeks to heat up, and in response monica's hands reached up to hold her face gently, rubbing her thumb across her cheekbone. "go on then." olivia said softly with a grin, in response to her last sentence.

monica didn't need to be told twice. she leaned forward, moving to her knees and connected her lips to olivia's. smiling slightly into the kiss olivia moved her hands to monica's neck and waist. neither wanted to stop, but eventually they had to. both pulled away with huge smiles on their faces. "i'll wait as long as you need, honey." olivia said softly, running her thumb across her jaw gently. monica pulled her into a hug wrapping her arms around her tight. finally both women were content. more than content. happy.

so sorry it took so long but i hope it was worth the wait!!

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