5. oh my god.

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the group of friends were sat in the coffee shop, discussing past relationships, and failed dates. it was somehow an attempt to distract monica from her failed relationship with richard. the girl was feeling slightly better about the whole situation now she had caught up on sleep, and had a couple days to wallow in it, but still had a few occasional breakdowns around it. olivia was yet to know most of this information about her brother and newfound friends so she sat back, mainly just taking in information. currently phoebe, ross and rachel were all arguing over who's marriage story was worst.

"i left a guy at the altar because a gravy boat turned me on!" rachel said, causing olivia to giggle lightly, leaning her head on monica's leg, who was sat on the arm of the couch. "i married a lesbian!" ross said, with a huff, using his arms to express. "i can match you on that, ross. i married a gay man." phoebe said with a grin. "okay so your stories are basically the same so i win. mine is worse." rachel said with a nod. "except phoebe,  duncan turned out not to be gay!" ross said still trying to 'win'. "guys, guys, why are you fighting over who has the worst love life?" monica said with a chuckle, as chandler spoke up. "yeah, you all have sucky love lives and marriage stories, get over it." he grinned as they rolled their eyes. "fine." they all mumbled defeatedly.

after a moment, ross spoke up. "olivia, was your ex your only relationship? any bad experiences before that?" he asked curious to learn more about chandler's sister's past. olivia sat up slightly from her comfy position, "i mean, i had a few failed dates. but not really many experiences relationship wise, no." she shook her head with a shrug, smiling up at monica as she felt her hand on her head. "someone tell me something funny about chandlers love life so i can tease him about it forever." olivia said, grinning over to her brother who was pulling a face at her. "his whole love life is funny, liv." joey said patting chandlers back. "well, he dated a girl who was married and seeing multiple other men." ross said nodding a little. "oh, that's not good, i'm sorry chan." olivia started before rachel cut her off with a slight laugh. "no, honey. he knew she was seeing all those people and still continued it." she explained before olivia pulled a face and cringed a little. "ew ew ew why would you do that?" she said with furrowed brows. "apparently it's every guys fantasy." monica explained, moving her hands from olivia's head to her shoulders. "what? really?" liv turned to look at ross and joey who both nodded with a shrug.

suddenly a voice spoke up from the doorway making everyone but olivia freeze in their seats. "oh... my... god..." the voice said, before walking over to the group. everyone looked at chandler with wide eyes before the voice spoke up again. "chandler bing?" the girl spoke and olivia looked up to the girl with confused face, as the rest of the group avoided eye contact. "oh, you're a new face." the girl spoke and smiled down at olivia who smiled back politely, confused why the group were acting like this. "oh come on chandler bing. don't ignore me." she spoke again and chandler sighed before turning to face the girl. "hi, janice." he said with a tight smile. "this is olivia, my sister." he explained, before turning to olivia. "liv, this is janice. my ex girlfriend." he said, "of more than once." joey added under his breath. olivia nodded a smiled, "nice to meet you, janice." she said politely. "how are you a bing? you're much nicer than chandler here." she said before laughing, causing the group to cringe, and olivia to smile lightly, starting to notice the groups hesitation of the girl.

chandler decides to stand up and lead janice over to the counter to get updated on janice's life away from the judgemental looks of his friends. "wait, so someone explain." olivia said with a frown. "they've dated or hooked up at least four times already. he loves it to begin with, then gets sick of her and the relationship and breaks up with her." joey explained with a shrug. "she always says one of these days will be his last chance but it never seems to be coming." phoebe adds. "okay, so what don't you guys like about her?" olivia asked and the group rose their eyebrows before half started saying quietly "oh. my. god." exactly like her, and the other half were imitating her laugh quietly. olivia nodded, understanding slightly where they were coming from.

chandler came back over to the group, "janice is married!" he said sitting down with a face on. "and thats a problem because?" joey asked, causing chandler to shrug. "i don't know. maybe she was my last resort at love" he said, a frown on his face. "aw, chan. i'm sure she wasn't." the younger bing said looking up at her brother. "plus, do you really think you could be with her forever?" ross asked with an eyebrow raised. "you haven't mentioned her in weeks." chandler groaned and sulked back into his chair. "i know! but now i think maybe i missed out." he said with a huff. "you didn't." the group said in an almost chorus. "hey! at least it's not just monica who's heartbroken now!" phoebe said with a slight grin, causing monica to groan slightly at the reminder and olivia to rub her knee in comfort.

this is sorta just a filler chapter but hopefully you still enjoyed it!

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