My New Job

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I was on indeed looking for a new job cause I got fired/quit my last job for cursing out a customer then beating her ass as her boyfriend beat my ass but she was the one I wanted. I searched getting irritated as I screamed to God to find me a new job as a random text from a unknown phone number popped up on my phone as it said, “looking for a new job come to this address”, I laughed thinking it was a scam so I ignored it as the number started to call me, I answered it going straight im cursing them out as he told me to calm down, “your looking for a job right”
“yes, I am but I know this is not real”
“he’s paying 26 a hour if you agree”, I thought to myself this is a lot of money that I could be passing up, scam or not I live in a house that rent is higher then I should of bought it for, “what’s the job”

“come in and you’ll see, Tomorrow at 11am”

“That’s pretty early”

“If you want it come”, he hang up as I laid in my bed thinking it was to good to be true, as my thoughts ran through my head. I popped my pills knowing I would regret it the next morning since they help me sleep wow better without them.

I woke up late screaming at myself as I had to drive 30mins out, I quickly showered getting dress grabbing my bag, Phone and wallet running out the door locking up, getting into my car as I smelled my breathe as I still had morning breathe, I screamed throwing a tic tock in my mouth then dropping the whole container on my car floor, “what the fuck man”, I started the car putting the address on the GPS seeing I was going to the rich side, I smiled as I pulled off listening to my music as it calmed me down as I pulled up to the security gate, “oh this is fancy”

“Hello, I’m here to see Erik rice”

“do you have a passcode”, I looked at my phone as the code came right through when he said it, “894678”

“That’s it thank you, here the ticket that will get you out when you exit”
“thank you so much”, I drove up the hill as I seen million dollar houses as my heart dropped to my ass, who would have thought I would be on this side of town. I drove pass all the beautiful houses as I seen he’s the 5th biggest house on the street I came up to the gate as I pressed the button, “name”


“Here for the job”


“come right in”, the large gate opened as I drove right in taking in the scenery as it took my breathe away I came up to the entrance as a man stood at the door waiting for me as valet came opening the door for me, “welcome right this way”, he yelled as I quickly walked up the stairs behind him as I took in the large door as a man closed it behind us, “right this way”, as we walked towards the living room as I came upon a beautiful sexy brown melanin buff man, “welcome Barnard”

“Thanks for having me”

“I’ll leave you two alone”

“Thank you, Conrad”, I looked at him as his smile was taking me he reminded me of my ex the way he was sitting up straight with his hands crossed, “glad you come, here the contract you can read over it”

“what’s the job”

“I need a professional masseuse and I heard you use to be one, a great one”

“Yeah I was but how you find me”

“your old job recommended you”

“Oh, was it julie or matt”

“interesting it was both of them”

“I love them”

“but there is a small catch which is why I’m paying so much”

“What”, I said still reading the contract but thinking you want your dick and ass played with
“Happy ending”

“I knew it”, I said to myself as I looked up at him but I wasn’t going to say no, that’s what I wasn’t going to do.
“Oh I can that no problem”

“Are you comfortable with that”

“I am, as long as you shave and shower it’s all good but I have a question”

“what position are you”

“I do both yourself”

“same”, I finished reading before signing it passing it back to him as he smiled at me, “welcome aboard”

“Thank you”

“One more thing, did you wanna closer home or you ok driving the miles”

“Im ok driving the miles”

“Great”, we stood up as he walked me out, “can you be here tomorrow at 4”
“I can, do you have a specific oil you like”

“no surprise me”

“I will”, we talked as we walked till they brung my car as I walked over to them as he waved watching me for a while as I pulled off as I watched him go back inside,  “God please don’t let me get attached”.

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