Letter eighteen: I won't be able to write much today but I love you regardless, your my world, your existence is a pleasure I worship.
Letter nineteen: seductively eating Cheeto puffs, that's certainly a new one. Flustered me especially when you sucked on your fingers, I wonder what went through your mind because ain't no way in hell the way you did that accidentally.
Letter twenty: why are you so cute even when I tell you the most unconventional shit??
Letter twenty one: I really did fall asleep on my couch thinking the pillow in my nape was you, it fit perfectly between my arms, just as I imagine you do. I hope one day it won't just be my mind pulling tricks on me.
Letter twenty two: I wish I could see your face in person when your practically melting from me babying you, it's the cutest thing (aside from your laugh)