The traffic light trio meet

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"That was fun, huh, Mk?" Asked Mei as the two walked down the streets of a city that held the competition they competed in.

"Yeah we were really close to winning too. We got in the top 5!" Exclaimed Mk as he smiled widely.

The two continued to walk and talk with each other until the heard music.

The two dancers decided to follow the music after a conversation of simple glances.

When they reached where the music was from they were met with a beautiful valley filled with dandelions and a red haired demon dancing in the field while the song 'you broke me first' played in the background.

ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕪.

The best friends watched as the demon did nearly flawless pirouettes and leaps.

When the music ended the two clapped grabbing the attention of the demon.

"Who are you!?" Exclaimed the demon, fire erupting from his fist.

As the two saw the demon they took in his details, as to find out who he was.

The redhead had black socks on along with black pants and a white tank-top on. His hair was tied up into a messy bun showing his amber eyes that were glowing menacingly.

"Hey I asked you peasants a question!" Yelled the demon.

"Oh right! I'm Mk and this is my best friend Mei! We were walking by when we saw you and really loved your performance!" Explained Mk as he smiled warmly toward the demon. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Redson." Said the demon, who was to tired from moving around in his dancing to make a formal introduction.

"Well your dancing was really pretty Red . . . Boy!" Exclaimed Mei, who couldn't pronounce Redson's name, while making Redson flush from all the compliments and the fact she got his name wrong.

"It's Red SON!" Exclaimed the male.

"Don't mind Mei she's like that. Anyway wanna hang out with us Redson?" Asked Mk.

"Uhm sure I have nothing else to do." Said Redson as he approached them.

After that the rest of the day was made of the three getting to know each other and hanging out.

When it was time for them to separate, they traded numbers as to keep in touch. Reason also made it(using magic of course) so that the three could talk to each other telepathically.

"Bye Red!" Exclaimed the two as they waved goodbye to their new friend.

"Bye!" The demon yelled back as the bus the two were on started to move.

After that the three met up regularly to hang out. At first Iron Fan would ask where he was going but eventually stopped due to him going out so much.

Pigsy also asked questions but stopped as long as Mk still got his deliveries done.

The trio also started to compete together and won multiple competitions.

All in all the three loved each other's company.

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟜𝟠𝟞

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