The Arrow through the Apple

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The forest was her second home. Barefoot and in a simple dress, she stayed hidden behind a bush. Listening to the sound of the trees, the birds, the wind. She eyed her prey. Knocked her bow, and took her shot.

"Bulls eye", she said as the unfortunately squirrel fell from the tree, dead.

"Meat" she thought hungrily.

It's not like her family was starving or anything. In fact the her family was somewhat well off. The Blaus family owned stables that trained horses for the knights honor guard.

She put the squirrel in her leather pelt bag. Adding her count up to 4 now.

"Enough to make a good stew" she licked her lips. She could also sell the pelts for some pocket money.

Soon she would have enough for her very own sword. She had heard rumors. While the Knights Honor guard was only open to men, there was a secret sect of female knights. Sasha wanted to become one of them. So she needed a sword to train.

Sasha headed further through the woods. Looking for another squirrel or rabbit. If she has a better bow she could bag a deer, but didn't know how she could get it back home.

Suddenly she stopped. Hearing a voice mumbling to themselves. Sasha strained her ears. It was a boy's voice, he sounded annoyed.

Sasha, using her hunters instincts, followed the sound like she would the tracks of an animal. She hid behind a tree.

She peaked around the trunk of the large oak. She saw a boy about her age. Sitting against the trunk of a tree. He seemed to be talking to himself.

For this first time in her life. Sasha felt butterflies in her stomach. She had been around boys before, but he seemed different.

He was cute.

She also noticed the shiny red apple in his hand. Sasha's stomach growled. She had missed lunch.

"Girls are so annoying. Sonny never leaves me alone, always wanting to play or trying help me practice for the Swordsman Academy it's not like they can fight or anything". He said to no one.

Sasha furred her brow. He may be cute but that rubbed her the wrong way.

"I'll show him", Sasha said.

She took aim, a fired as the boy was about to bite his apple.

The arrow hit its mark.

The boy sat there. Stunned, as sticky apple juice ran down his hands.

"Who-who's out there??" He stammered, standing up.

"So you think girls can fight? Can't use a weapon?"

The boy looked around as Sasha stepped out from behind the tree, clutching her bow.

"You shot that arrow?!??" He said, his eyes wide.

"You got that right! There isn't a target I can't hit." She walked up to the boy and took the arrow. Picking the apple off the arrow she took a big bite.

"Name's Sasha...Sasha Blaus" she said through a mouthful of apple.

"Connie Springer" he said, easing up a bit. It didn't seem like the girl meant him any harm. Plus she had kind brown eyes, and a cute smile. He didn't even care that she had stolen his apple.

"So what's this about girls not being able to fight?", she asked again.

"I-I-I didn't think anyone was nearby, but I mean I didn't mean every girl", he stammered out.

"But you mean most"

"Well yeah, I mean girls are suppose to do needle point, write, sewing, cooking you know" Connie rubbed his hand behind his neck.

Sasha let out a sigh. "and yet no one ever asks if that's what a girl wants to do. I hate needle pointing. My lil sister is so good at it but I just find it so boring."

She sat down leaning against the tree.

Connie sat down beside her. "You have a younger sister too?"

"Yeah, she's adopted though. Her parents died during that disease outbreak when she was a baby, but she's always been my lil sister to me, doesn't matter if we are blood kin or not".

"So I hear your going to the Swordsman Academy soon?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, my parents want me to become an Honor Guard Knight", Connie said. "But I just wanna live in the woods ya know"

Sasha smiled at him. "Yeah I wish I could do that too. I'm suppose to become a lady of the manor, train to become an attendant for the Queen, marry a guy from a good family."

Connie looked at her, "so...what do you want?"

Sasha looked to the sky. "I want to go to the Swordsman Academy, become a knight, fight to defend those who can't defend themselves."

Connie smiled. "Sounds like you want to help people, and you aren't afraid of a fight."

"Yep, Ive beaten up most of the boys in my village"

"Where is your village?", Connie asked.

"Just a bit south, Dauper", she said point towards the tree line.

"Wait are you from the Blaus family of Blaus stables?", He asked.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?"

"Your family has been raising and training horses for the Knights Honor Guard forever!", Connie exclaimed. "That's so cool!"

"I do get to see a lot of the Honor Guard come through".

"Where are you from?", She asked.

"Rakago, a small farming village, but I want to become more than just a farmer, but I'm scared I won't do well at the Academy."

Sasha looked at him, "I think you will be fine, but if you want I can help you practice?"

Connie's eyes lit up. "Really?? Can you teach me how to shoot an apple outta someone's hand?"

"Sure I can!!!", she said excitedly, grabbing his hand.

They both blushed at the sudden contact. Silent, listening to the sounds of the forest.

That silence was then cut off by a voice.

"Lady Sasha!! Where are you??? Your mother wants you home!!".

"Shoot, look I gotta go, but meet me here in 2 days same time?"

Connie nodded. "I know these woods like the back of my hand."

Sasha giggled, "that makes two of us."

Taking out his small knife, Connie carved in their initials. "There now this is our tree."

Sasha felt the butterflies in her stomach again.

As she turned to go she called out to Connie.

"Thanks for the apple!"

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