The Warning

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"You must strike quicker Braun, your letting Galliard get your weak spot" Levi spoke sharply as Reiner Braun laid on the ground, panting.

"Yes sir" he pushed himself of the ground. Brandishing his wooden sword, ready to challenge Porco again.

"Reiner you need to strengthen your core, your stance is weak."

Porco sniggered. Levi turned on his heel.

"Something funny Galliard."

"No sir"

"You seem pretty cocky about your sword skills", he took Reiner's sword. "So let's see you defeat me then"

"Gather round pages, Mr. Galliard here is about to put on a demonstration with me"

Porco turned pale as the the class of second year pages gathered around.

"Come on Porco!"

"You can do it Galliard!"

With the cheers from his classmates, Porco got into his attack stance.

"After you Mr. Galliard"

Porco went to strike first. Porco didn't even see him move, before Levi attacked.

Porco just barely blocked his attack, and his one that followed after. 

Porco jumped back. Trying to gather his thoughts, he went for another attack, and missed again.

Porco was constantly on the defense. He was getting tired, he didn't know how Levi could move so quick.  They went back and forth for a bit. But it felt like Levi was just toying with him.

"Conceding Galliard"

"No sir" he tried to hide his fatigue.

Porco decided to go low. Crouching he launched towards his Achilles, but Levi was faster. As Porco was mid-attack, Levi swung his leg, catching Porco behind the knee. Porco fell hard on his back, and Levi had Reiner's wooden sword at his throat.

"Checkmate Mr. Galliard"

Porco's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Sir Levi" a voice called out. "If you done beating up the students, Commander Erwin needs to see you"

Levi handed the sword back to Reiner and extended his hand to Porco.

"Alright, class is over, head to dinner"


"So what made you challenge this page?" Farlan asked as they headed to Erwin's office.

"I was bored, plus Porco needed to be knocked down a peg or two"

"Just like I did" Farlan said with a laugh.

"And see how well you turned out, you are well on your way to becoming a captain" Levi said clapping him on the shoulder.

They made their way into the office.

Erwin looked grim.

Levi noticed that palace officials were there, as was a year 3 page.

"Sir Church you are dismissed" Erwin said.

Farlan saluted Erwin and took his leave.


"So start from the beginning Page Ginn"

Eld swallowed. He was going to have to improvise some of his story, unless he wanted to be kicked out of the Academy.

"Well I was taking a walk, after dinner. To clear my head"

"How did you end up in the palace's gardens?" An official asked sharply.

"I'd like to know that too" asked Levi, as Eld was one of his Pages.

"It had a been a long day, and I had received a letter that my beloved..." Eld stopped, they would know if a family member was sick. "..cow Bella had I was distracted"

"Cow?" Erwin raised his eyebrow.

"We were close"

"Continue" Erwin sighed.

"So I was distracted and found myself in the gardens, as I was about to leave, I saw the shadow creeping along the wall of the castle, near her highness Reiss's room"

"How did you know that was her room?"

"Knight's intuition"

"Knight's intuition??" The palace official asked.

"It's something year 3 pages learn." Levi interjected. "Eld here has is one of our better students in that art"

"So I followed the figure. But it wasn't...natural. It somehow glided up the wall, I heard the lady scream. I was lucky I had my hook shot. I was able to get to her window. But the Lady Reiss was tougher than she looked." He left out the part of Frieda being the garden with him. "So before I could do anything Historia, I mean Lady Reiss had wounded it. Injured the shadow turned into a raven and flew out the window. But not before leaving a message in blood on the mirror"

"Which is when the palace guards came in with the eldest Lady Reiss" said the palace official.

"Thank you Page Ginn. You're dismissed" Erwin said.

He saluted his superiors and left.

"Now what do we need to do?" Erwin asked.

"Do you know the message said?" the palace official asked.

"Enlighten me"

"This was just the beginning, we've already made our way into the Honor Guard"

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