Chapter 3 - The Birth of Y/N Uchiha

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Y/N: "I'm your... Grandson?"

Mari: "Yes. Yes you are."

Y/N: "But... But we were taught that you didn't have any children, let alone grandchildren!"

Mari: "You were also taught that I was dead, didn't they?"

Y/N: "Well, umm, yeah." he said, getting up off the floor, with great difficulty.

Mari: "And had you not noticed how similar our quirks were?"

Y/N: "You know now that you mention it..."

Mari then activated her quirk, making a large ribcage appear around her. It was very similar to the one that appeared around Y/N a few hours ealrier, only it was blue instead of purple.

Mina: "The quirk that we share is called Susano'o. This is its most basic form, but in time, you will be able to achieve the same level of power as me. However, it is not the only quirk that we share. We also share a quirk called Fire Style. It allows us to create and manipulate fire in certain ways. You however possess a third quirk, one that I do not. I have labled it as Lightning Style, due to it being similar to our Fire Style, only with lightning."

Y/N: "Wow! So I don't have just one quirk, but three!? So cool! But, how exactly am I your grandson? And how did you survive your fight with Hashi Senju?"

Mari: "As you know, me and Hashi were rivals, constantly fighting against each other to compare our strenght."


We see an image of Hashi and Mari standing across from each other.

Mari voiceover: "Hashi with her Wood Style..."

Another image, this time of Hashi standing on a gigantic wooden face, with her hands positioned like she was praying. She was wearing her classic armour, that was her Hero Outfit, and she had strange markings on her face.

Mari voiceover: "And me with my Fire Style and Susano'o." 

Another image, but of Mari floating inside of the crystal in the head of her perfect Susano'o.

Mari voiceover: "But every time we fought, I lost, and I slowly became obsessed with winning against her."

A short montage was shown of Mari losing fight after fight after fight against Hashi.

Mari voiceover: "I fell down a dark path, craving more power."

An image of Mari walking away from Hashi, with shadow covering her face from view

Mari voiceover: "I did bad things for a very bad person, things I now regret. In return, they gave me what I wanted, but in the end, I still lost."

We see Hashi stabbing Mari in the chest with her sword.

Mari voiceover: "Stabbed in the chest by the person who was not only my rival, but also my closest friend."

 A barely consious and barely alive Mari was lying on the ground, the sword still in her chest. She looked up, only to see the silhouette of a person, who was still clearly a woman, offering their hand to her, which she took.

Mari voiceover: "Fortunatly, I was saved by the very person that caused me to be there in the first place."

End of Flashback

Mari: "During my time recovering, I realised something. Had it not been for this world, this world of heros and villains, me and Hashi wouldn't have fought. We only fought because I did things that the general public didn't see as okay. They didn't know my reasoning behind it. I only did the things that I did to protect my family. Had it no been for this world, I would not be in the sorry state I am in now. So I made a plan. I would use my power to topple the government and the hero society, to reform this world anew. After my recovery, I settled down, got married and had a child."

At some point during the flashback, Mari was now sitting on a large chair, with Y/N sitting infront of it with his legs crossed, eagerly listening.

Mari: "That child was your Father, Y/N. F/N Uchiha. Luckily, he carried your grandfather's quirklessness, so he did not lead a life like mine. But, as I said earlier, nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. I had arrived home late one day, only to find that my house had been destroyed, my husband killed, and my child missing. I thought that he was dead, but when I found out that he had lived, and had had a child of his own, I... monitored you. When I found your actual quirk test results, not the fake one the doctor had given to you, I knew that I had to take you under my wing. I had asked for one last favour from my old friend to restore my youth, which they did. I was on my way to free you from your Mother to do just that when you, quite literally, ran into me."

There was a long pause between the two, while Y/N tried to absorb this new information.

Y/N: "Soooooo... Now what?"

Mari: "Now, you must answer an important question. Will you go back to the life you lived? One of hate and suffering. Or will you join me? And together, we will bring peace to this world, where everyone will be equal."

Y/N: "Hmmmm..."

Y/N thought long and hard about this question. He thought about the positives in his current life, he had his friends Izumi and Naruko and- Well, that was the only good things he had. On the other hand, he had the constant beatings and shouting from his Mother, the bullying from Bakugou, the sexist ideals of the teachers and society as a whole. But he really wanted to become a hero, that was his reason for getting up again and carrying on, to see the smiles on the people he saved, and the joy of beloved fans whenever he was there. So at that moment, he formed his own plan. He would gain power greater than Mari's, and when the time was right, he would betray her, and follow the path of good. Bearing in mind he was only eight years old, this was all very impressive.

Y/N: "I'll do it. I'll join you."

Mari: "Excellent. For now, you must rest. And tomorrow, you will start your training."

Y/N: "Tomorrow!?"

Mari: "If we are to acomplish my goal, you need to become strong enough to do so. You cannot do that by slacking off."

Y/N: "Wait wait wait. Hold on a sec. Why can't you do it? You're young again, so you can do it now, right?"

Mari: "Wrong. I may be young again, but at a price. I will die in five years. Leaving me just enough time to train you in the ways of our abilities."

Y/N: "Oh."

Mari: "Do not worry child, I should have died long ago. But now..."

She got up from her chair. Y/N stood up too.

Mari: "From this day forward, you are no longer Y/N L/N. You are now Y/N Uchiha."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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